Monthly Father Tom Q&A
This Monday
On the Rectory Balcony
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On Monday, August 2nd at 7:00 PM, Fr. Tom will be hosting a Q & A on the rectory balcony. Join us for a fun, yet informative night. Please email Stephen Williams at If you can, think of questions you would like to ask him ahead of time. |
A Longing for Fulfillment
written by Br. Silas Henderson
It does not take much to do good, to relieve suffering, or to show love. God wants to do great things in our families, parishes, and communities. He wants to feed the hungry, He wants to console the suffering and He wants to change hardened hearts. But He needs us to help Him.
Okay, so your email editor managed to confuse everyone in the parish by sending out the Crush 2021 reservation email a week early. Tomorrow is the day that you can begin purchasing your tickets at this link. We’ll see you there. I’ll be the red-faced attendee.
Mass Links For The
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Music For The
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Fellow Parishioners, This week the choir and I have a new song for communion called ‘Take and Eat.’ Here’s a link so you can hear it: The words to this and all the other songs for mass can be found in this attachment. This week’s first reading tells of the prophet Elisha who fed a hundred people with 20 barley loaves. The psalm tells us that “The hand of the Lord feeds us; He answers all our needs.” and the Gospel is the story of Jesus feeding the multitudes with five loaves and two fish. So the theme of the week seems to be “God will provide.”
I hope you enjoy all my music selections this week. May God bless you all with good health and provide for all your needs. Janis Cantú |
God Multiplies What We Surrender to Him
written by Douglas Sousa, STL
It does not take much to do good, to relieve suffering, or to show love. God wants to do great things in our families, parishes, and communities. He wants to feed the hungry, He wants to console the suffering and He wants to change hardened hearts. But He needs us to help Him.
Mass Links For
The 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
We hope that your summer is going well and wish the children of our parish a great journey beginning Monday on the Rocky Railway, “Jesus’ power pulls us through.” Masses for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time are today at 4:30PM and tomorrow at 8:00AM,10:00AM and 5:00PM. The 8:00AM Mass tomorrow morning is streamed live at this link. Fr. Emmanuel makes available his homily on his blog at this link. A link to the weekly bulletin is here. |
Music For
The 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Fellow Parishioners, This week we only have familiar songs at Mass, including the psalm!! The words can be found in this attachment. This week three of the four readings talk of shepherds, ending with Jesus saying that the people were like sheep without a shepherd. So, I found some songs with the shepherd theme that I didn’t share on Good Shepherd Sunday. For those of you who enjoy classical music, I have:
The rest are more modern:
Well, those should keep you busy for a while! Enjoy the music and have a week filled with blessings! Janis Cantú |
A Farewell
Sacred Heart Church of Ocean Beach, One of my favorite Bible verses since I was in high school is Joshua 1:9, which says, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” As a high schooler, I loved this verse because it meant I was never alone. It meant that wherever life took me, God would always be there. Throughout my young adult years, this verse has helped me look at hard situations in life and not ask, “Why did this happen God?” but rather ask, “God, where are you in all this?” It’s a verse that has taken on so many forms of meaning in my life, and I’m so grateful for all the mentors, friends, and family in my life who have helped me through the highs and lows of life by reminding me that God is always there, even if you don’t “feel” it. I’m writing you all to let you know that I have some big news. I have just accepted a position as a college campus minister at University of St. Thomas in Houston, TX! I am so excited to be back in Houston, about this new adventure God is taking me on, and this next chapter in life! The University is totally amping up their Catholic identity and investing greatly in achieving their mission, including adding extra campus ministers and a new campus ministry center. The President is very intent on making the school an authentically Catholic university, which as we know can be hard to find these days. I am very excited to be a part of the beginning of something special at UST and to see where that takes me! Of course, every new beginning means leaving something as well. As excited as I am about this next chapter, I’m also sad to be leaving Sacred Heart. I have felt nothing but incredible hospitality, openness, and love since the very beginning of my time here. This parish has such a passion and devotion to making Sacred Heart the best, intimate community you can find. It’s full of wonderful people who want to grow closer to each other and God. This Parish has been through so much, from Pastor turnover to Fr. Tom’s heart surgery to COVID, and yet we have remained resilient through it all. I have to believe resilience is an unspoken virtue. This Parish has never forgotten that God is always here. This community has exemplified Joshua 1:9 in that when something hard happens, you haven’t asked, “Why is this happening,” but rather, “Where is God in all this?” Parishes don’t stick around this long because of anything other than a strong bond that is founded on Jesus and His love for all of us. I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your love, support, and guidance over the last two years here. We have been through a lot together, and you have been there for me through my highs and lows too. There will always be a special place in my heart for this community and the people in it, and while I may be halfway across the country, I know that God is with me there, and that I hold you all in my heart there too! Know of my prayers for you all and don’t be strangers! My last Summit Youth Group Night is THIS Sunday the 18th (I’d love to see all the teens one last time and say good bye here before I leave!) and my last day of work is July 23rd and then I plan to leave the day after that, so make sure you say good bye! You all have left an impact on me and I am forever grateful for having met and served with you all! Praying for you all and Sacred Heart deep in the heart of Texas! AMDG. |
Vacation Bible School
Starts Monday!!!
Vacation Bible School pulls away on Monday from the station on track #9… VBS will be primarily held in the courtyard and we will be keeping all safety procedures as regulated by the county. This year’s theme is Rocky Railway “Jesus’ power pulls us through” and I could not think of a better motto for us this year! VBS will be July 19th-July 23rd the program will begin at 9am and end at 12pm. This cost for Vacation Bible School will be $50 per child and for children ages 4-10 (preschool to 5th grade). You can pay for VBS on Online Giving (found on the Sacred Heart’s homepage) under the tab that says “VBS Registration.” Kids going into 6th grade to senior year of high school can help out as the leaders of the group. Email Stephen Williams if you would like you teen to be team leaders this year at Register your kids for Vaction Bible School using this link! |