High School

Who We Are

Sacred Heart Summit’s Mission is to bring teens into a relationship with Christ and his Church. We seek to not only bring them to the summit of their faith but to create Missionary Disciples for the Kingdom of God. Through our focus on prayer, the Sacraments, and fellowship through relational ministry, we seek to brings teens into the fullness of Christ and to put them on the path to becoming the person that Christ created them to be.

When We Meet: Wednesdays starting 10/4 @6:30pm at the School

“Life with Christ is a wonderful adventure.” – Pope Saint John Paul II


Service Events

Waiver for new teens:

Make sure to bring this form filled out to the next youth group session!

Sacred Heart Youth Ministry General Waiver Form


Sunday Night 5PM Youth Mass: Contemporary Style Youth Mass with Praise and Worship Music! All Welcome!

Join us at our Sunday night 5PM Youth Mass! It is a contemporary style Mass with Praise and Worship music geared for and served by teens and those involved in youth ministry at Sacred Heart! If you are a teen who wants to be involved with the Youth Mass, a young adult or adult who wants to be involved with the Youth Mass/Youth Ministry, or someone who likes praise and worship music and wants to worship in this way, come pray with us!


(619) 224-2746 *103