Music and Mass Links
Second Sunday of Lent

Lent continues as Mass is celebrated this afternoon at 4:30 PM and tomorrow at 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Mass will be streamed live tomorrow at 8:00 AM at this link on the Sacred Heart YouTube channel:

Fr. Emmanuel makes available the link to his homily on his blog. You can find the link to his blog here:

Here is the Sacred Heart YouTube channel for all Parish videos:

A link to the weekly bulletin is here.

God bless you!

Dear Fellow Parishioners,

This week’s music is mostly well-known, especially if you generally went to the Sunday morning masses, but just in case you don’t know ‘Dwelling Place’ or ‘Somebody’s Knockin’ at Your Door’ here are the links. You can find the words to these and all the songs for this week in this attachment.

This week’s Gospel is about the Transfiguration, so I found some songs about that for you. There are quite a few out there!

The first one today is ‘Transfiguration’ by Marilla Ness I set the link to skip over her introduction.

‘The Transfiguration’ by Peg Angell

‘The Transfiguration’ (Stevens) performed by Koine (once again, I skipped over the intro for you.)

‘Transfiguration’ (Wren/Manalo)  sung here by a magnificent church choir in Ajax Ontario, Canada.

‘Transfiguration’ (Hillsong) Performed by Christina Perry & Mick Grocholl

And lastly, the upbeat and Celtic-sounding ‘Transfiguration Hymn’ by Justin Stroh

I could have added at least 5 others, not including one in Latin, one in Arabic and one in Russian, but I had to draw the line somewhere! I hope you enjoy the ones I chose to share and have a blessed and joyful week.

Janis Cantú

Stations of the Cross

As you know, we are having Stations of the Cross inside the Church for each Friday of Lent at 6:00 PM.

This year we are using “Mary’s Way of the Cross”.

We would like to thank the groups below that have and will coordinate the Stations each week.

Please join us as a part of your Lenten Journey.

February 19th: O’B’lievers
February 26th: Hearts of Fire
March 5th: Youth Group
March 12th: St. Joseph
March 19th: St. Damien
March 26th: Sacred Heart’s Choir

Knights of Columbus St. Patrick’s Day Dinner 2021

Okay, you have their attention. Normally these dinners sellout quickly, but this year you’re using the San Diego wait and see last minute reservation system. Because of the pandemic, this is the only Knights fundraising event of the year. They help Ocean Beach and Pt. Loma all year. Please help, make your reservations now!

Pastoral Council Meeting
The Faith Life of your Parish

The next Pastoral Council meeting will be at 7:00 PM tomorrow evening, Wednesday February 24th. You’re invited to join the Zoom meeting. We will have reports from our various ministries and discuss proposed spiritual activites for the coming months.

Please reply to this email if you would like more information on attending.

Come, get involved!


This year because of COVID we will not have a
Parish Reconciliation service. Instead we will have extra times for individual confessions.

Reconciliation will be held outside. If the weather is bad, we will be inside the church in the confessional room.

These times will be from 5:30 – 6:30 PM on:

Wednesdays, February 24th
(Rev. Michael Tran)

Wednesdays, March 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th
(Rev. Mark Campbell)

We will still have Saturday Confessions
from 3:15 – 4:00 pm

Lent is a wonderful opportunity to be made new and united to God’s grace for all we face in our daily lives. Please consider this gift of God’s healing hand and renewing our soul.

You can download a copy of this schedule here.
Next Ministry Schedule

It is time to work on the next ministry schedule. This schedule includes Holy Week and Easter. If you ARE able to serve during Holy Week or Easter please let Mary Kay Cook know. Also let her know when you are NOT able to serve.

You may reach her at:

Please respond by March 18th.

Thank you to all of the ministers who responded and will be returning to the list of ministers.

Music and Mass Links
First Sunday of Lent

For this first weekend of Lent, Mass is celebrated this afternoon at 4:30 PM and tomorrow at 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Mass will be streamed live tomorrow at 8:00 AM at this link on the Sacred Heart YouTube channel:

Fr. Emmanuel makes available the link to his homily on his blog. You can find the link to his blog here:

Here is the Sacred Heart YouTube channel for all Parish videos:

A link to the weekly bulletin is here.

God bless you!

Dear Fellow Parishioners,

Here we are in the first week of Lent! It sure came quick. All the music for Mass should be very familiar. You can find the words to all the songs in this attachment.

The first reading this week is about Noah which inspired my first selection.

‘Noah Found Grace in the Eyes of the Lord’ by the Statler Brothers

The Gospel this week has to be the shortest one of the year. It dealt with Jesus’ 40 days in the desert being tempted by the devil in just two sentences! This first song seems to me to be inspired by that reading, lacking all details of the temptation but is a haunting interpretation of it.

‘Desert Voice’ by Eric Becker

The next two songs are based on the longer version in Matthew, Chapter 4.

‘Forty Days in the Desert’ by the Lonesome River Band is for the bluegrass lovers among you.

‘Temptations of Christ’ by Acappella Company

The last two songs are about the redeeming power of the love of God.

‘Power of Your Love’ by Hillsong

‘The Love of God’ by the NCrew (Lehman)

I hope you enjoy them all and that they help get you started on your Lenten journey. May God keep you safe, happy and healthy.

Janis Cantú

Stations of the Cross – Online Link for Tonight

Beginning tonight at 6:00 PM we will be having Stations of the Cross inside the Church for each week of Lent.

This year we will be using “Mary’s Way of the Cross”.

If you cannot be there in-person the Stations can be viewed on the Parish YouTube channel.

Here is a link:

Please join us as a part of your Lenten Journey.


2021 Church Bulletin Advertising
March Sales Campaign

Do you have a business that serves the Ocean Beach/Point Loma or greater San Diego area? Engage with your local community by advertising in Sacred Heart Church bulletins. This helps support your Sacred Heart Parish and the community.

Weekly repetition means recognition!

Advertising in the church bulletin brings instant trust and credibility to your business. Please consider advertising… and spread the word! Seriously, please let friends that own businesses in Ocean Beach and Pt. Loma know they should look into advetising in our bulletin.

As a reminder, Travis Lawmaster, a representative from LPi, our new bulletin publisher, will be contacting businesses in the area next month to solicit new advertisers for Sacred Heart’s bulletin.

If you know of someone interested, they can contact him at:, 619-512-5977 or (800) 950-9952 x2688

Thanks to our advertisers; the printing costs for your parish bulletin are covered. If there are enough advertisers, your bulletin might be printed in color.