Dear Parishioners,

The last two months have been filled with amazing opportunities for grace and blessings for me.

On November 3rd, my dear dog, Poko was overtaken by lymphoma and was mercifully put down.

In that tragic loss, so many of you expressed verbally and through cards, your sympathy and solidarity with me in which proved to be a very difficult period. You were amazing in your care and concern; truly a sustaining grace.

Then there was what I call my trifecta of grace: December 11th, the anniversary of my ordination, December 25th, Christmas, and January 3rd, my birthday.

On each of these occasions, there has been an extraordinary amount of congratulations and good wishes both spoken and through beautiful cards. There have also been many generous monetary gifts as well as delicious gifts of food and gift cards to restaurants and book stores, and spiritual bouquets from our SHA students.

This generosity and caring concern in all their forms touches me deeply because they manifest your love for me.

In return, I promise to lead you with a shepherd’s heart doing whatever I can to make your experience of Church filled with a focus on your needs and spiritual well-being.

Keep me in your prayer. You are in mine.

Fr. Ron

Poko, our companion for the last thirteen years has died. She belonged to me and to the parish, especially to the children. Thank you for sharing in my grief and loss. Your many expressions of sympathy have consoled me and have honored Poko.

I am deeply grateful for the exceptional care that Poko received from Doctors Greg Bowerman, Lisa Rehberger and Hans Ewerts and the entire staff at Peninsula Veterinary Clinic. Poko was not only their patient, they were her friends. Many parishioners bonded with Poko in a special love. The joy and care they brought to her life, they also brought to mine.

What now? When we deal with departed pets we are dealing with mystery. However, everyone and everything belongs to God. In that thought I take comfort and see Poko rolling with abandon and eternal joy in sand and grass.

Good bye Poko. Good bye Shungo Buf Pōkō,
the Dog of Sand Grass Spring Place.

Fr. Ron

The Sacred Heart Prayer Chain has been changed to Sacred Heart Prayer Community with a new e-mail address:

As part of this change, the prayer request e-mails that you receive will soon reflect that address rather than To avoid having these prayer requests blocked or classified as spam, you might want to add this new address as a trusted link. God bless you for “Loving your neighbor” in prayer.


Look for Box Tops throughout your grocery store on hundreds of participating products!

Go to the Boxtops4Education website and visit the Box Tops Products section on the bottom right to download a product list.

Here is a sample of a Box Top:



To date $1,551.00 has been raised toward our $5,000 goal. We are half way through our fundraising effort. Remember the deadline is December 31, 2012. The receipt must be at least $20 or more to count toward the goal. Class Leaders: First Place – Grade 6 ($256); Second Place – Grade 5 ($108); Third Place – Grade 8 ($102).


Sacred Heart Academy is holding a fundraiser for new textbooks. Holiday gift wrap, a fantastic selection of gifts, delectable chocolate and dazzling jewelry are among the items available for purchase.

The campaign runs through Wednesday, November 14, 2012. All students have a catalog and would be more than willing to take your order. You may also order online at Use the school code 26438 when placing your order. As always, the school is most grateful for your support.

We have openings in all of our Sunday morning music groups for new members. All voice parts, instruments, ages and ability levels needed.

Please come to a rehearsal and find out which group works best for you. All rehearsals are held in the church as follows:

  • Gregorian Choir – Rehearses on Wednesday nights at 6:00 pm and sings for the 7:30 am Mass.
  • Traditional Choir – Rehearses on Thursday nights at 7:00 pm and sings for the 9:00 am Mass.
  • Contemporary Choir – Rehearses on Thursday nights at 6:00 pm and sings for the 11:00 am Mass.

For more information please contact Nancy Scibetta at 760-547-6641 or email her at