The Benedictine Sisters of Clyde, MO have crafted a host that meets the requirements of being “low gluten with less than 0.01% gluten content” for those who wish to receive Holy Communion under the species of bread. While the hosts distributed at Mass are made of wheat and water, these are an exception made for those whose health is compromised from eating foods containing gluten.
The hosts are approved for use by the Vatican (see http://www.
The small thin bread is kept frozen until ready for consecration and to be consumed at the Mass that the participants are attending. They are placed in a pyx that is reserved exclusively for this use. If you wish to receive using this host, please see the priest or the Volunteer Coordinator prior to the beginning of Mass in order to have the pyx placed on the altar before the start of the liturgy.
When receiving at the Mass, you are asked to come up the center aisle and to receive immediately after the ministers and choir have received in order to minimize contamination from the other breads being distributed.