Children Religious Education

Sacred Heart Easter Egg Hunt

Sacred Heart Vacation Bible School

Children’s Religious Education Information

Welcome to the Sacred Heart Church of Ocean Beach Religious Education Program! We are excited to begin a new year sharing our faith and learning about the love of God. Students in Kindergarten through Fifth grade meet weekly Sunday mornings in the upstairs of Sacred Heart Academy (4895 Saratoga Ave, San Diego, CA 92107) at 8:30am in the morning. We gather together in a large group in the upstairs room from 8:30am-8:45am to have large group time. From 8:45am -9:40am we will break out into our age level group sections. Level 1 is Kindergarten-First grade, Level 2 is First Communion Class (IS A TWO YEAR PROGRAM), Level 3 is Third grade- Fifth grade. We will also offering a homeschooling option for parents to be the Catechist (homeschooling is not allowed for the First Communion Preparation Year). Parents will be the teachers and do monthly check ins with Stephen Williams on zoom. 

First Communion is a two year program as mandated by the Cardinal McElory in November 2020 for all churches in the San Diego Diocese. For First Communion your child’s first year will be in either a regular age level program and then the second year will be the preparation year when they do the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion. If your child was in level 1 last year as a First grader they will be doing their the level 2 sacraments this year.

Parents are the primary educators of their children. They are “the most influential agents of catechesis for their children” and “catechize primarily by the witness of their Christian lives and by their love for the faith” (National Directory for Catechesis, p. 234). Parents are asked to support the catechists and the religious formation of their children, especially by being examples of the Faith. It is encouraged that parents and children will celebrate weekly Mass together. Attendance at weekly Mass is an integral part of each child’s faith formation. The Sacred Heart Church of Ocean Beach Religious Education Program provides students with a safe environment and systematic formal catechesis, which ensures effective faith and sacramental formation at each level.

The goal of the catechist is to communicate God’s love by proclaiming the Good News to those entrusted to his/her care. The catechetical program is in place to help students grow in their faith and spirituality; to bring them into the community of faith, its life, worship, symbols, and practices; and to pass on a shared set of Catholic values.

Sunday Schedule
8:30 AM – 8:45 AM
Children gather in the Upstairs Great Room for Prayer, Opening Lesson & Song.
8:45 AM – 9:40AM
Children will breakout into age appropriate faith lessons

Registration opens July 3rd, 2024.
Registration closes September 29, 2024.
Classes started October 6, 2024.  

Stephen Williams
Director of Catechetical Ministry 
Call: (619) 224-2746 *102

Download the Children Religious Education Schedule Fall 2024-Spring 2025 Here

Click Here to Register your Child for Religious Education 

The cost of Religious Ed is $100 (one child) and $75 (for each additional child). You can pay online on the parish’s website through  ONLINE GIVING  just select Religious Ed Registration or can pay in person at the parish office during business hours.

First Reconciliation & First Holy Communion

To receive the sacrament of First Reconciliation and First Communion your child must be in second grade or 7 years old. Our program is two years, and they must attend the majority of the sessions and be going to Sunday mass in person or online. The first year is a either level 1 or level 3 depending on their age and the second year is the sacramental prep class. If your child was enrolled in Level 1 last year they will attend level 2 this year on Sunday and take additional classes once a month to prepare them for First Communion this year!

First Communion Dress Code Guide

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

This Ministry will resume October 6th, 2024. 

Sundays:  10:00 AM Mass

Throughout the year, Children’s Liturgy of the Word is offered on Sunday mornings during the 10:00 am Mass. Children who are at least 4 years old through 5th grade may participate. (Younger children are welcome to come with a parent).  After the opening prayers, adult leaders lead the children to the Children’s Liturgy room where they hear the Liturgy of the Word proclaimed in a way geared towards their comprehension. Children return to Mass before Communion.

Registration is not required to participate in Children’s Liturgy of the Word.

How to Receive First Communion