Teen Confirmation

Sacred Heart Teen Confirmation Program

Confirmation classes meets the Second and Fourth Wednesday night (some exceptions) of the month from 6:30-8:00pm at Sacred Heart Academy in the upstairs Youth Room (4895 Saratoga Ave).

Classes will begin October 9th! 
Confirmation is a two year program as mandated by  Bishop McElory in November 2020.
Thus, First Year teens will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in the spring of 2026 and Second Year teens receive the sacrament of Confirmation this spring 2025!
Click Here to Download the Confirmation Schedule 2024/25

Click Here to Register for Confirmation Class

Registration Fee

Year 1 Students  $100 — Includes program and materials
Year 2 Students $100 — Includes program and materials (There will be an additional fee for the spring retreat)
Click here to pay for the registration online at our Online Giving Platform. Under funds, scroll down and choose  “Confirmation Registration.”
If you’d rather pay in cash or by check, make checks payable to “Sacred Heart Parish” and turn them in the first class October 9th.


Stephen Williams
Director of Catechetical Ministry
(619) 224-2746 ext. 102