Hurricane Hilary Response
For Ocean Beach
Dear Sacred Heart of Ocean Beach community, As we anticipate experiencing a storm of historic proportions I hope everyone is preparing as well as we can. I would like to strongly encourage our community to not take risks and to advise against putting yourself in harms way for any purpose, but especially if you find it dangerous and risky to attend Mass, please stay home. You can read the readings and pray through an online Mass, and spirituality experience communion in the safety of your home. Masses will be offered as normal for those for whom it is not a danger to attend. We are putting plans in motion to make our Parish Hall available as a safe shelter for homeless during the peak of the storm. Jack Hamlin is coordinating this effort. We will open the Hall on Sunday at 7 am for 24 hours. We are in need of volunteers to help Jack in our community’s effort to care for the vulnerable during this historic storm. If you are able and willing to help, please contact Jack Hamlin via email at we greatly appreciate your help. Let us all try to do our part in doing what we need to take care of ourselves of course, but let us be especially aware of the needs of our brothers and sisters around us, and our neighbors, offering a lending hand to people around us who may face great struggles in the next couple days. Thank you for your generosity, and know of my prayers for our Ocean Beach community. We will be united in the Eucharist, even if you decide the conditions to hazardous to attend. Stay safe. Fr Billy Zondler |