The Office of Social Ministry is offering a free, one and a half hour workshop on the encyclical “Laudato Si – On Care for Our Common Home” by Pope Francis. It is for all persons interested in protecting creation and preserving our environment. The workshop will take place on Sunday, September 24th at 12:15 pm at the Parish Hall. All are welcome!

If you have any questions Please contact Janice Teixeira at

Sacred Heart parish will soon have a new Youth Coordinator who will take over the Youth Ministries. Mr. James Ross will be in charge of the Youth programs including Confirmation classes and will begin a Young Adult program.  Mr. Ross will also start a new ministry for the parish which will be for Families with Young Children. Mr. Ross’s last position was with the Diocese of Sacramento  where he was Coordinator for Youth and Young Adults. Registration for the Youth programs will be announced when he is on board. If you want to sign up your youth for Confirmation classes now, please call the Parish Office: 619-224-2746.


With a passion for the Young Church and Evangelization, James has being working in Ministry with Youth and Young Adults for over 11 years, both in Spain and the United States at a parish and diocesan level.


He is a member of the Region XI board of Directors of Youth and Young Adult Ministry and Pastoral Juvenile and an Associate Member of the National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry.
We are excited to present not one, but TWO women’s retreats… A local retreat in mid-October and a mountain retreat in early November. Come to both and receive extra graces!


Our theme is God’s Whisper of Love and Forgiveness. We are pleased to announce that Kate McKenzie will be our facilitator. Kate has been preparing under the mentorship of Sr. Carlotta DiLorenzo, CSJ. The sessions are based on the Love/Forgiveness Guides for Prayer by Bergan & Schwan as well as the works of Henri Nouwen, Peter Van Breemen SJ, and Richard Rohr.


Get your name in now for the early bird special.


The local retreat discounted rate of $35.00 must be paid by Sept. 17.
The mountain retreat fee is only $145.00 if paid in full by Oct. 1.


A new retreat flyer is attached with all the information you need to say YES! Please share it with your friends and family, and extend your personal invitation to others in our circle and beyond.


This weekend the retreat ladies will personally invite & handout flyers to the women of the Parish. This is the start to the retreat campaign. On September 16th and 17th we will have a the registration table in front of the church for signups.


We thank God for all of you. You are in our prayers and please keep us in yours. Our trust is in Him who longs for us to know and share His unconditional Love and Forgiveness.

June Sprosty 
Retreat Public Relations
Kate McKenzie and Joy Young
Retreat Chairs

Saying goodbye to friends…

Services for Maria Tortola will be tomorrow,
Wednesday September 6th at 11:00AM

Services for John Bateman will be
Friday, September 8th at 10:00AM

Services for Al Perkins will be
Saturday, September 9th at 11:00AM

Let’s show all of there families how Sacred Heart
is a Parish built on Love.❤️❤️❤️

You may never meet the person you save, but they could be someone’s grandfather, grandson, wife or sister.


Sacred Heart Parish is sponsoring another blood drive this Sunday, July 16, 2017. We are hoping you will be able to stop by and donate.


As in prior drives, you can make an appointment by going to, If you do not get to the Sacred Heart appointment page using the link please go the the Blood Bank home page, click on “Donate Blood”, select “Appointments” and provide the sponsor code: SHOB.


Call 1-800-4MY-SDBB (1-800-469-7322)

Blood Drive:
Sacred Heart Church of Ocean Beach
4776 Saratoga Avenue Ocean Beach, CA 92107
The Bloodmobile will be parked in front of the Church

Map The Location

Sunday, 07/16/17 / 8:00AM – 1:30PM