Share Your Faith In A Small Group During Lent
The Sacred Heart Small Church Communities are rolling out our six week 2018 Lenten Program. Groups of all sizes and interests will gather in homes and other locations to share the Lenten Journey to Easter.
This weekend at all of the Masses you heard parishioners just like you talk about the amazing experience of being a Disciple on the Journey. Please turn in the card you received at Mass next Sunday in the collection basket. Our deadline for sign-ups is Monday, February 6th. Groups will begin meeting the week of February 12th. There is a link to a form below that you can download, fill out and return at Mass. To make it even easier, download the form, fill it out, scan a copy and send it to communications@sacredheartob. We’re also in need of group facilitators. Let us know on the sign-up form if you can help with that. We’re looking forward to having you on the journey. Thank you! |
You can download a sign-up form in MSWord or PDF, and then place in the collection basket on Sunday. |
Due to the Hepatitis A virus infection spreading in San Diego, the Bishop has recommended that Churches distribute communion under only one species. As of the third week of Advent and thereafter including Christmas Masses, Sacred Heart has suspended distributing communion under both species. We will distribute Communion in the form of the Holy Host only. The baptismal font will also be covered to prevent any contamination there.
The Early Bird Registration Deadline
is Sunday!!
Hello dear ladies!
11th Annual Women’s Retreat 2017
Whispering Winds Catholic Conference Center
God’s Whisper of Love & Forgiveness
November 3-5 Friday–Sunday
Meals & lodging included.
$145 Early bird special ends Sunday, Oct. 1st
$165 after October 1st.
I’m reaching out to each one of you for a gentle reminder to join us at the mountain top to focus on God’s whisper of Love & Forgiveness.
This year our program will give us personal directed time with God in a beautiful peaceful quite surroundings.
Lots of faith sharing with each other and lots of fun too!
You won’t regret making the decision to come to the mountain top and take in all the peace & beauty God has in store for each of us!
Most Sincerely,
June Sprosty
Public Relations
You can download the flyer here!
Saturday October 21st at Sacred Heart Church Courtyard