Office for Family Life & Spirituality

Please help spread the word in your parish about Marriage Encounter, an incredible resource that helps strengthen marriages in San Diego.  A Marriage Encounter Weekend is an opportunity for a husband and wife to develop a more intimate knowledge and acceptance of each other through the use of open and loving communication in a setting free from the distractions and stress of everyday life.  See

Worldwide Marriage Encounter for parish announcements.  The next Marriage Encounter weekend is May 17th-19th.

There Will Be No Pastoral Council Meeting In April
Pastoral Council Notice
Due to the many Lenten meetings and activities this month, there will be NO Pastoral Council meeting in April. The next Pastoral Council Meeting will be Saturday May 11 at 9:00 a.m.
The meeting will be in the upstairs room in Sacred Heart Academy and all interested parishioners are invited to attend. We will have reports from our various ministries and discuss proposed activities for the coming months.
Come, get involved!
You’re Invited to “Ask Father Tom” …
As you heard at Mass this past weekend, Father Tom will be at Sacred Heart Academy’s newly refurbished upper classroom tomorrow evening, Tuesday, April 9th, at 7:00 PM conducting another “Question and Answer” session for parishioners.

Fr. Tom will answer ANY question on any topic, religious or otherwise. Come find out for yourself the answer to the questions you’ve always wanted to ask your Pastor.

If you wish to remain anonymous, you may place your question in the mailbox at the rectory before Tuesday evening.

You’re Invited to the March Pastoral Council Meeting This Saturday…

Find out what is happening in your Parish.

The next Pastoral Council Meeting is this Saturday, March 9th at 9:00am. We will meet in the Parish Hall and all parishioners are invited to attend. We will have reports from our various ministries and discuss proposed activities for the coming months.

Please… Come, get involved!

San Padro Calungsod
May 4, 2019
Bishop John Dolan
9:00 am to 6:00 pm