Here is additional information for the coming weeks
  • Please remember we have 24 Hour Adoration in the Church Chapel.
  • Stations of the Cross will still be held on Fridays but there will be no soup dinners.
  • Don’t forget, we have expenses for operating the parish. Consider on-line giving: Go to
  • Small Church Communities are still meeting.
  • Bulletins will be available in the church and on-line each week.
Pray that everyone remains calm and we may see an end to this challenge soon.

Please remember we have 24 Hour Adoration in the Church Chapel.

Don’t forget, we have expenses for operating the parish.
Consider on-line giving: Go to

Small Church Communities are still meeting upon the discretion of the group.
Bulletins will be available in the church and on-line each week.

Pray that everyone remains calm and we may see an end to this challenge soon.
You can Download the Bishop’s Memo Here
You can Download the Letter Here
Sign-up By Tuesday 2/18/2020
A Lenten Journey:
With Jesus to the Cross
As you heard from Parishioners this weekend at Mass, be intentional with your Lent experience this year and participate in the journey for 6 weeks. The deadline for completing a sign-up form is this Tuesday, February 18th. You can download the form, fill it out and send the completed sheet as an attachment to:
You can also return the completed registration form to the rectory.
You can download the registration form at this link.
Be a part of your Parish planning…
Join us this Saturday for the Pastoral Council meeting
Pastoral Council Notice
The next Pastoral Council Meeting is this Saturday February 8th at 9:00 a.m.
The meeting will be in the upstairs room at Sacred Heart Academy and all interested parishioners are invited to attend.
We will have reports from our various ministries and discuss proposed activities for the coming months.
We really would like more parishioners to join us. Please…
Come and get involved! 
The French Boys’ Choir From Paris
Coming Again to
Sacred Heart Church!
Sacred Heart Church is privileged to again host Les Petits Chanteurs de France in concert. Their concert in October 2018 was so very well received and a big hit in San Diego. Their music includes pieces of the French folklores.

The concert will be Monday, February 10, 2020 at 7:00PM.
The performance is FREE but donations are gratefully accepted.