Fifth Sunday of Lent

Dear Parishioners of Sacred Heart,

Once again Mass celebrated at Sacred Heart Church will be online this weekend for the Fifth Sunday of Lent.

There are two ways to view the video. The first way to view the video is through our parish YouTube account tomorrow (Sunday) morning. This is an update from our previous email. You can find the link here

Fr. Emmanuel will also make available the link to the video and text of this Sunday’s homily along with previous and future ones on his blog. You can find the link to his blog here

You can also find the Mass that the Diocese of San Diego has on its website

Thank you to Gregg Sprosty for his hard work and sharing his talents to make this incredible outreach possible.

May God be with you in these trying times!

A Letter from Fr. Tom
Dear Sacred Heart Family –

I pray you are all remaining safe and healthy during this difficult time. Please know that none of us need to be alone at this time. As the slogan I keep seeing says, together alone! If anyone needs anything do not hesitate to reach out to us at the parish. We are here to help. The Church may appear dead on the inside, but we are very much alive on the outside! I know it is a difficult time financially for many and I am very grateful for those who have been continuing, so generously to support Sacred Heart Parish. Nonetheless our collections are significantly below what we need to maintain the various components of the parish – bills, salaries, etc.

Our staff is trying to keep the life of the parish going, as well as varying ministries, from their homes and occasional from the parish itself. It is very important that we stay connected and make every effort to keep the life of our ministries active. I am asking everyone who can to please contribute what you can thru mailings, drop off and on-line giving. Those who do not know how to set up for on-line giving, we would be happy to assist you in getting set up.

Of course, most importantly pray!! Pray as a family, as a parish family and with Pope Francis and the world. I am continually thinking and praying for all of you and so humbly grateful and blessed with all your prayers for me as I prepare for heart surgery April 6th.

God Bless,
Fr. Tom

The whole world should be praying this.
Let’s bow our heads and pray:

Eternal Father, You made the whole world stop spinning for a while.
You silenced the noise that we all have created.
You made us bend our knees again and ask for a miracle.
You closed Your churches so we will realize how dark our world is without You in it.
You humble the proud and powerful.
The economy is crashing, businesses are closing.
We were very proud, we thought that everything
we have, everything we possess was the result of our hard work.
We have forgotten that it was always Your grace and mercy that made us who we are.
We’re like running in circles looking for some cure to this disease but in fact it takes
humility to ask for Your wisdom.
We’ve been living our lives like we will be here on earth forever, like there’s no heaven.
Maybe these trials will awaken in us the need for Your mercy.
Maybe this virus will, in a way, help purifying us,
cleansing our soul,
bringing us back to YOU.

You have been patient Dear Father.
.. We’ve forgotten that You are GOD. You only need to say the words and our souls shall be healed.
Giving During this Time and Online Giving
Dear Parishioners,

Considering all that has been occurring, your parish community continues to pray for your health and well being.

Sacred Heart needs help financially to maintain operation. Without a Sunday collection we will see a significant drop in funds. Please consider giving to the church.

Ways to Give

You can mail checks to our parish office at:
4776 Saratoga Ave
San Diego, CA 92107

Or drop your check in the mail slot of the parish office or go through your bank and set up a bill pay.

Another way to give is by going to our website and click on the online giving button, which is found on our home page. Go to Once you are on the home page, look for the red box ‘Contribute to Sacred Heart,’ which can be found at the top center of the page.

God bless and stay healthy.

The Parish Support Team
Mass Available Online Today
Dear Parishioners of Sacred Heart,

We understand that this weekend will be hard to not go to Sunday Mass.

As part of our pastoral response, Fr. Tom has approved for Fr. Emmanuel to record saying Mass in our Parish.

There will be two ways to view the video, which will be available by 5:00 PM today, Saturday. The first way to view the video is through our parish YouTube account. You can find the link here
Fr. Emmanuel will also make available the link to the video and text of this Sunday’s homily along with previous and future ones on his blog. You can find the link to his blog here

You can also find the Mass that the Diocese of San Diego has on its website
May God be with you in these trying times!
Prayers for Fr. Tom
Please continue to pray for Fr. Tom’s upcoming surgery. Hopefully it will stay on schedule for April 6.

Also pray that Fr. Tom’s car is found. His car was stolen Wednesday from the car repair shop.

In addition, Fr. Tom found out his bank account was hacked into and a large amount was taken.

He is NOT looking for anything but your prayers.

Thank you!
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Sacred Heart has the ability for 24/7 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the chapel. “The only begotten Son of God is to be adored in the Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist . . . including external worship. . . The Sacrament is to be publicly exposed for the people’s adoration.” (The History of Eucharistic Adoration by John A. Hardon, 1997.)

We have a monstrance that allows us to expose and repose the Eucharist by opening and closing the doors of the monstrance. This will allow for us to have 24 hour adoration without need to sign up for time slots. In these challenging times, it is the power of prayer that can comfort us when we spend intimate time with our Lord.

If you would like the code to the chapel door please email Janice Teixeira at or call the parish office at 619-224-2746.

There must absolutely never be periods when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed and there is no one present. The Monstrance must be closed when leaving the chapel and no one else is present. A guest book for signing in and instructions for adoration can be found in the chapel beside the tabernacle.
Stations of the Cross Cancelled
Dear Sacred Heart Parishioners –

To comply with the current restrictions placed upon us and for the safety and welfare of everyone, we are canceling Stations of the Cross for Lent. We encourage everyone to still pray the Stations of the Cross at 6:00 PM on Friday in the comforts and safety of your own home. It is times like this that personal prayer time is critical for a fruitful prayer life! Remember, Jesus is waiting for you to visit Him in the chapel. May the blessings of God be upon you!


The Sacred Heart Parish Staff

Feast of St. Joseph this Thursday
This Thursday, March 19th is the Feast of St. Joseph, Patron Saint of the Universal Church.
I invite all parishioners, from your homes, at 7:00 pm to join me for a holy hour / half hour of prayer, thru the Intercession of this very holy, Powerful Saint who so gently cared for our heavenly Mother and Lord Jesus.
Let us pray for our Parish Community, our Country and our world during this challenging time. May we be united in this holy hour in silent prayer, a family Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet etc. with trust in our Loving God.
Especially keep our elderly neighbors in your prayers and those most vulnerable to this virus.
Fr. Tom