Prayers for Fr. Tom
Please continue to pray for Fr. Tom’s upcoming surgery. Hopefully it will stay on schedule for April 6.

Also pray that Fr. Tom’s car is found. His car was stolen Wednesday from the car repair shop.

In addition, Fr. Tom found out his bank account was hacked into and a large amount was taken.

He is NOT looking for anything but your prayers.

Thank you!
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Sacred Heart has the ability for 24/7 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the chapel. “The only begotten Son of God is to be adored in the Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist . . . including external worship. . . The Sacrament is to be publicly exposed for the people’s adoration.” (The History of Eucharistic Adoration by John A. Hardon, 1997.)

We have a monstrance that allows us to expose and repose the Eucharist by opening and closing the doors of the monstrance. This will allow for us to have 24 hour adoration without need to sign up for time slots. In these challenging times, it is the power of prayer that can comfort us when we spend intimate time with our Lord.

If you would like the code to the chapel door please email Janice Teixeira at or call the parish office at 619-224-2746.

There must absolutely never be periods when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed and there is no one present. The Monstrance must be closed when leaving the chapel and no one else is present. A guest book for signing in and instructions for adoration can be found in the chapel beside the tabernacle.
Stations of the Cross Cancelled
Dear Sacred Heart Parishioners –

To comply with the current restrictions placed upon us and for the safety and welfare of everyone, we are canceling Stations of the Cross for Lent. We encourage everyone to still pray the Stations of the Cross at 6:00 PM on Friday in the comforts and safety of your own home. It is times like this that personal prayer time is critical for a fruitful prayer life! Remember, Jesus is waiting for you to visit Him in the chapel. May the blessings of God be upon you!


The Sacred Heart Parish Staff

Feast of St. Joseph this Thursday
This Thursday, March 19th is the Feast of St. Joseph, Patron Saint of the Universal Church.
I invite all parishioners, from your homes, at 7:00 pm to join me for a holy hour / half hour of prayer, thru the Intercession of this very holy, Powerful Saint who so gently cared for our heavenly Mother and Lord Jesus.
Let us pray for our Parish Community, our Country and our world during this challenging time. May we be united in this holy hour in silent prayer, a family Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet etc. with trust in our Loving God.
Especially keep our elderly neighbors in your prayers and those most vulnerable to this virus.
Fr. Tom
Here is additional information for the coming weeks
  • Please remember we have 24 Hour Adoration in the Church Chapel.
  • Stations of the Cross will still be held on Fridays but there will be no soup dinners.
  • Don’t forget, we have expenses for operating the parish. Consider on-line giving: Go to
  • Small Church Communities are still meeting.
  • Bulletins will be available in the church and on-line each week.
Pray that everyone remains calm and we may see an end to this challenge soon.

Please remember we have 24 Hour Adoration in the Church Chapel.

Don’t forget, we have expenses for operating the parish.
Consider on-line giving: Go to

Small Church Communities are still meeting upon the discretion of the group.
Bulletins will be available in the church and on-line each week.

Pray that everyone remains calm and we may see an end to this challenge soon.
You can Download the Bishop’s Memo Here
You can Download the Letter Here