Dear Sacred Heart Family –
I pray you are all remaining safe and healthy during this difficult time. Please know that none of us need to be alone at this time. As the slogan I keep seeing says, together alone! If anyone needs anything do not hesitate to reach out to us at the parish. We are here to help. The Church may appear dead on the inside, but we are very much alive on the outside! I know it is a difficult time financially for many and I am very grateful for those who have been continuing, so generously to support Sacred Heart Parish. Nonetheless our collections are significantly below what we need to maintain the various components of the parish – bills, salaries, etc.
Our staff is trying to keep the life of the parish going, as well as varying ministries, from their homes and occasional from the parish itself. It is very important that we stay connected and make every effort to keep the life of our ministries active. I am asking everyone who can to please contribute what you can thru mailings, drop off and on-line giving. Those who do not know how to set up for on-line giving, we would be happy to assist you in getting set up.
Of course, most importantly pray!! Pray as a family, as a parish family and with Pope Francis and the world. I am continually thinking and praying for all of you and so humbly grateful and blessed with all your prayers for me as I prepare for heart surgery April 6th.
God Bless,
Fr. Tom
The whole world should be praying this.
Let’s bow our heads and pray:
Eternal Father, You made the whole world stop spinning for a while.
You silenced the noise that we all have created.
You made us bend our knees again and ask for a miracle.
You closed Your churches so we will realize how dark our world is without You in it.
You humble the proud and powerful.
The economy is crashing, businesses are closing.
We were very proud, we thought that everything
we have, everything we possess was the result of our hard work.
We have forgotten that it was always Your grace and mercy that made us who we are.
We’re like running in circles looking for some cure to this disease but in fact it takes
humility to ask for Your wisdom.
We’ve been living our lives like we will be here on earth forever, like there’s no heaven.
Maybe these trials will awaken in us the need for Your mercy.
Maybe this virus will, in a way, help purifying us,
cleansing our soul,
bringing us back to YOU.
You have been patient Dear Father.
.. We’ve forgotten that You are GOD. You only need to say the words and our souls shall be healed.