
Dear Fellow Parishioners:

Have a happy and blessed Pentecost Sunday! This week’s lyrics can be found in this attachment. John opens this Sunday’s Mass with a song we haven’t sung in a long time, “Table of Plenty.” Here’s a link so you can hear it:

I have two additional songs to share with you on this special feast day. The first is one the choirs would have sung for you today in normal times:

“In the Breaking of the Bread” by Michael Ward sung here by Kitty Cleveland. I love this song for Pentecost because it reminds us that even though the disciples had seen Jesus and recognized him in the breaking of the bread, they were still too afraid to go out and share the good news until the Holy Spirit descended upon them.

The other is by another virtual choir. (I wish we had the technical ability to do this with our choir!) This one is by the Eastern Mennonite School. “Don’t Be Afraid”

Have a wonderful, blessed week and stay safe!

Janis Cantú

Pentecost Mass Online Links

There are two ways to view the video. The first way to view the video is through our parish YouTube account tomorrow (Sunday) morning. You can find the link here

Fr. Emmanuel will also make available the link to the video and text of this Sunday’s homily along with previous and future ones on his blog. You can find the link to his blog here

You can also find the Mass that the Diocese of San Diego has on its website

Thank you to everyone who makes this incredible outreach possible.

May God be with you in these trying times!

Here is a link to the weekly bulletin.
We Need Ministers of Hospitality
For the Reopening of Mass

As Masses will be reopening At Sacred Heart on Saturday June 13th and Sunday June 14th, we are in great need of people of all ages and walks of life who are willing to help as Ministers of Hospitality. This Pandemic has made the need for ushering more important than ever as there are guidelines we must adhere to in order for Mass to be possible.

We need Ministers of Hospitality for both weekend and weekday Masses. They will make sure that everyone is wearing a mask, provide hand sanitizer, help seat people to make sure social distancing is being practiced in the seating and more to make sure people are following all the guidelines we need to in order for Mass to be celebrated.

NO EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY, just a willing heart. There will be a meeting to train all Ministers of Hospitality so that everyone feels confident, competent and ready to serve at Masses until things go back to normal.

The training meeting will be Wednesday June 10th at 7:00 in the Church.

To sign up to be a Minister of Hospitality please email Pat Gunning at to learn more. Please do this ASAP so that we can create a schedule ahead of the training meeting.

A big thank you to Gregg Sprosty for pointing out that your Parish Communications Team is not very good at proof reading his work. Of course our daily Mass begins on Monday June 15th. Here is the schedule of when Mass resumes in a hopefully easy to read format.

Saturday June 13th:
  • 4:30 PM Mass
Sunday June 14th:
  • 8:00 AM Mass
  • 10:00 AM Mass
  • 5:00 PM Mass
Daily Weekday Mass Resumes June 15th:
  • 8:00 AM Mass

We hope you and your family are doing well and staying safe.

In the previous email you were informed that in the last few weeks, we have been working on a plan to reopen the church to gather again as a community. The Diocese received our plans, and the Bishop has given approval to reopen for Masses at Sacred Heart Church.

We are excited about this news. We had the option to open as early as Monday, June 8. However, we will have our first public Mass on Saturday, June 13th and our daily Mass will begin Monday, June 15th. Fr. Tom and the committee thought this would be best, so we feel we are doing everything possible, to keep everyonesafe and heathy. By then we will have all the volunteers familiar with the procedures and allthe supplies ordered and received as well as all the priests scheduled.

We are still in need of volunteers who would be willing to help with the new hospitality procedures. This involves distributing hand sanitizer, ensuring that everyone is wearing a mask, and seating parishioners as they enter the church. Please do not volunteer if you feel in anyway uncomfortable, if you have underlying health conditions, or if you are feeling sick.

Thank you all for your patience and your continued faith during these trying times.

Masses will continue to be available online. A Mass will be Livestream for your stay at home viewing. You can find the Masses at

God bless you all. Until we can be together again…

The Ascension of the Lord

Dear Fellow Parishioners:

Happy Ascension Sunday and happy Memorial Day Weekend! I hope you enjoy it while staying safe.

For this Feast of the Ascension we have an opening song you may be unfamiliar with: “Hail, Redeemer, King Divine.” Here is a link to hear it: The lyrics to all the songs can be found in this attachment.

My musical choices to share this weekend are:

“Rain Upon My Life” a contemporary offering by New Creation Worship

and to add a little hope to your life:

“You’ll Never Walk Alone” by Rodgers and Hammerstein sung by a virtual choir and orchestra whose message you can read below the video.

And for Memorial Day, I’m adding an extra selection:

“God Bless America” sung by Celine Dion

Stay safe, stay happy and God Bless,

Janis Cantú

The Ascension of the Lord Mass Online Links

There are two ways to view the video. The first way to view the video is through our parish YouTube account tomorrow (Sunday) morning. You can find the link here

Fr. Emmanuel will also make available the link to the video and text of this Sunday’s homily along with previous and future ones on his blog. You can find the link to his blog here

You can also find the Mass that the Diocese of San Diego has on its website

Thank you to everyone who makes this incredible outreach possible.

May God be with you in these trying times!

Here is a link to the weekly bulletin.

Sacred Heart Church
Until We Gather Again as a Community
We hope you and your family are doing well and staying safe.
Regularly scheduled Masses will not be celebrated in church this weekend because we do not have the state’s mandated guidelines and approval. Please continue to watch the video presentation on YouTube with Fr. Emmanuel.

For the last couple of weeks, we have been working on a plan to reopen the church to gather again as a community. When we get the state and Diocesan approval, we will let you know.

We are very excited to celebrate Mass again soon. However, there are things that need to be done so we can keep everyone safe and healthy.

We have submitted our plan to the Bishop. These plans were developed following the Bishop’s guidelines.

The plan includes (1) hygiene, (2) social distancing, (3) planning details: seating arrangements, keeping people safe, etc. (4) Communication: getting the information out to our parishioners, (5) training: new and present ministers (we are in need of more hospitality ministers in order for this to work), and (6) Liturgy changes.

As all are anxious to gather again by this weekend but this is not possible with all of the things that still need to be prepared for and done while waiting for final approval from the Diocese.

As soon as we can, we will let you know when we will have the church ready. Again, please let us know if you are available to help at one of the Masses.

So, you will be familiar with the changes in the Mass, we will send another email with more information at a later date.

Please remember, these changes will not be permanent, they are for our safety during these challenging times.

Thank you all for being patient and keeping your faith.

We are so very thankful for Fr. Emmanuel and Gregg Sprosty and his team for keeping us connected with Jesus and Sacred Heart through weekly video Masses.

God bless you all. Until we can be together again…
Sacred Heart Church – Fun and Faith


We are having Fun and Faith Vacation Bible School online this year and its FREE! Our theme is all about the saints teaching us to be Heroes for Christ. I wrote this program in hopes to give kids hope and inspiration during these trying times. The program will be June 29-July 2. We will start at 9 am and end at 11 am. We will start the day with a 30 minute zoom call with an introduction to the lesson of the day. We will also do a skit and have live music during the call to bring the lesson to life. From 9:30 am- 10:30 am we will have a EWTN saint video for the kids to watch about the saint of the day. The video will be 20-25 minutes. In the extra time for this hour they can do saint coloring sheets or fun worksheets that we will provide. We also hope in that hour they get a snack and get time to move around. At 10:30 am we will have a zoom call in which go over the video and teach them how to do the craft of the day. We will have a supply pick up day the week before Vacation Bible School. We will also provide links to the zoom call and YouTube videos the week before Vacation Bible School. We hope that you can join us for this unique Vacation Bible School experience!

Here is the link to sign up.

Stephen Williams
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Dear Fellow Parishioners,

The lyrics for this week’s hymns can be found in this attachment. John found another song I don’t know, “Join in the Dance” by Dan Schutte. If you don’t know it either, you can find it on YouTube at this link

The communion song, “Hallelujah Is Our Song,” was new to us last year but you might not know it, either. Here’s a link for it:

I hope you all find yourselves well and not going too stir crazy as our stay at home order continues on. I have another two songs for you. The first one you know, but this is a really cool rendition.

“In Christ Alone” A Cappella

The second one includes the words “Gathered at table, gathered in love.” I hope that will be true of us in the not too distant future, gathered again to share the Eucharist.

“In Remembrance of You”

God bless you and keep you safe,

Janis Cantú

Sixth Sunday of Easter Mass Online Links

There are two ways to view the video. The first way to view the video is through our parish YouTube account tomorrow (Sunday) morning. You can find the link here

Fr. Emmanuel will also make available the link to the video and text of this Sunday’s homily along with previous and future ones on his blog. You can find the link to his blog here

You can also find the Mass that the Diocese of San Diego has on its website

Thank you to everyone who makes this incredible outreach possible.

May God be with you in these trying times!
Here is a link to the weekly bulletin.