Music – 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Fellow Parishioners,

Happy 4th of July weekend!

Usually we would sing America the Beautiful or Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory at the end of Mass for a patriotic holiday like this, but since that is when the congregation is receiving communion, it just didn’t seem appropriate. Not to mention that the congregation isn’t supposed to sing! So for all of you, I’m including a link for a “Patriotic Medley” sung by Gentri.

The lyrics for this week’s mass can be found in this attachment. I think they are songs you will recognize, although the one during preparation is not as well known. You can listen to it at this link:

The other two songs that I’ve chosen to share this week are:

“Hymn of Praise” performed by the Gaither Vocal Band and

“You Raise Me Up” sung by Celtic Woman

Enjoy the music and your July 4th celebration!

God bless you and keep you safe,

Janis Cantú

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Mass for this weekend is live streamed from the 8:00 AM service tomorrow (Sunday) morning. Here is the stream on the Sacred Heart YouTube channel:
Fr. Emmanuel will still make available the link to his Sunday homily on his blog. You can find the link to his blog here
Here is the Sacred Heart YouTube channel for all Parish videos:

Let’s all be thankful that we are here and able to attend Mass in our church or view it online.

God bless you!

Here is a link to the weekly bulletin.

Ministers at Mass
We are writing to find out about our current Ministers of the Word, Ministers of Holy Communion and Ministers of Hospitality. Who plans to continue in your ministry in August and September? Please let us know by sending an email to:
Also, if you are interested in serving in any of these ministries please send us an email and we will let the person coordinating them know of your interest. That email can be sent to:

Thanks to everyone who is involved… whether it is in a ministry at Mass or all of you volunteers who are active every day and make Sacred Heart a Parish Built on Love!

Today it’s June Gloom… Tomorrow Sun!
And Sacred Heart is Famous!!!

Here is a link to download the July calendar.

Also, a link to the article in Point Loma-OB Monthly about the safe re-opening of Sacred Heart Church. A small portion of our 15 minutes of fame! Scroll down to the end.

Download the “Mass reopens on June 13th” calendar here.
Please Continue Your Prayers For Father Tom

An update on Fr. Tom’s procedure.

The procedure has been held off for two weeks. The doctors feel Fr. Tom’s heart is not strong enough for surgery at this time. They want to give it two weeks to strengthen his heart with medications.

Then they will review how things look then. And the journey continues…..

His heart cannot function at only 30% for very long. However, he is in good spirits.

Please continue to pray for him.

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Online Links

There will be no live stream of the 4:30 PM Saturday evening Mass this week. The Mass this week will be live streamed tomorrow (Sunday) morning at 8:00 AM on the Parish YouTube channel. After the Mass is completed it will be posted on the YouTube channel for later viewing. Here is the link to the YouTube channel:

Fr. Emmanuel will still make available the link to his Sunday homily on his blog. You can find the link to his blog here

Let’s all be thankful that we are here and able to attend Mass in our church or view it online.

God bless you!

Here is a link to the weekly bulletin.

Dear Fellow Parishioners,

I hope those of you still watching from home are all doing well and staying healthy. The lyrics for this week’s songs can be found in this attachment. All of them are songs that the choirs have sung at the Sunday morning Masses and can be found on YouTube if you’re not familiar with them.

I have two songs to share this week. One of them was brought to mind by something Fr. Tom always tells me when we talk about how he’s doing: It’s all in God’s hands. That song is “My Life Is In Your Hands” by Kathy Troccoli–mGCbzM

“Down to the River to Pray” by a virtual choir with several members from here in San Diego.

I hope you enjoy them both. Stay well and God bless,

Janis Cantú

Prayers for Father Tom

Dear Parishioners,

Fr. Tom has been experiencing a high fast heart rate and is still not feeling as good as the doctor has expected at this time. He had a doctor’s appointment this morning. The doctor told him that his heart is working at 30%, which is less than before his surgery!

Fr. Tom’s heart is in failure at the moment, although he is feeling fine. If he does not take care of this, it will soon catch up with him and he will have more problems.

He will be back in the hospital on Monday or Tuesday and hopefully they will correct what is wrong.

Please continue to pray for Fr. Tom as he goes through this procedure once again. In addition, pray for his team of doctors and nurses that they find and fix the problem once and for all.

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Fellow Parishioners,

Happy Father’s Day to all of you fathers! I hope you all have a fantastic day! As always, I’m providing the lyrics for this week’s songs in this attachment.

In honor of our parish’s feast day, one of my music shares this week is
“Sacred Heart Song” by Michael John Poirier

The other two songs have a Father’s Day theme:

“The Lord’s Prayer” sung by Andrea Bocelli

and “Our Father” by Don Moen

I hope you enjoy them all!

God bless you and keep you safe and well,

Janis Cantú

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Online Links

Since Mass will include both those in the church and others at home, we now have a different process for viewing the Mass if you are not attending in person.

The Mass will be live streamed this afternoon (Saturday) at 4:30 PM on the Parish YouTube channel. If things go as planned, after the Mass is completed it will be posted on the YouTube channel for later viewing. Here is the link to the YouTube channel:

Fr. Emmanuel will still make available the link to his Sunday homily on his blog. You can find the link to his blog here

Let’s all be thankful that we are here and able to attend Mass in our church or view it online.

God bless you!

Here is a link to the weekly bulletin.

Happy Feast of the Sacred Heart!
Picture of 2019 Feast Day of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Chili Cook-Off Party

When I think back to last year, I think of the great party we had. Our community came together to celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart, but we also celebrated being part of such a loving community. I look forward to next year (2021) when we can come together once again to play games, eat good food, beat Fr. Tom in the Chili Cook-off, and embrace the vibrant community of Sacred Heart.

Since we cannot get together this year for a BBQ, let us get together in prayer at home or at the 8:00 am Mass. I challenge everyone to pray the prayer listed below at 6:00 pm. We may be separated physically, but we will never be separated spiritually.

 Prayer to the Sacred Heart
O most holy Heart of Jesus, fountain of every blessing,
I adore you, I love you and will a lively sorrow for my sins.
I offer you this poor heart of mine.
Make me humble, patient, pure, and wholly obedient to your will.
Grant, good Jesus, that I may live in you and for you.
Protect me in the midst of danger; comfort me in my afflictions;
give me health of body, assistance in my temporal needs,
your blessings on all that I do, and the grace of a holy death.
Within your heart I place my every care.
In every need let me come to you with humble trust saying,
Heart of Jesus, help me.


If you would like to know more about origin of the feast day click on the link to the article below.

Stephen Williams
Religious Education Coordinator
4776 Saratoga Avenue

San Diego, Ca 92107

(619) 310-6979