An Update Following Fr. Tom’s Surgery
Fr. Tom is back at his sister’s house, where he is resting. He is supposed to be on complete rest for 48 hours. The cardioversion procedure seemed to go well. His heart is beating properly now. The goal is for this to be a permanent fix, otherwise, they will try an ablation. Pray that this does the trick, and he can return to Sacred Heart Church full time soon. He misses both being here and the parishioners.  Fr. Tom and his family thank you for all your prayers and concerns.
Music – 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Fellow Parishioners,

As I’m sure you know, the governor announced that we can’t have indoor services, but we are still allowed to have outdoor ones! So the video you see tomorrow morning at 8:00 AM will be of the Mass outside in the church courtyard. All the music this week is well-known to us and the lyrics can be found in this attachment.

The very first mass we had outside this weekend was to celebrate First Communion on This morning, so in honor of that celebration I have a few songs about the Eucharist.

The first one is “Remembrance” by Matt Redman

Next we have two versions of the song “My Heart, Your Home”. The first is one sung by Watermark.

The other is a very sweet recording of some children singing this at their own First Communion.

I hope you enjoy all three links. Please stay safe and God bless.

Janis Cantú

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Mass for this weekend is live streamed from the 8:00 AM service tomorrow (Sunday) morning. Here is the stream on the Sacred Heart YouTube channel:
Fr. Emmanuel still makes available the link to his Sunday homily on his blog. You can find the link to his blog here
Here is the Sacred Heart YouTube channel for all Parish videos:

Let’s all be thankful that we are here and able to attend Mass in our church or view it online.

God bless you!

Here is a link to the weekly bulletin.

Prayers For Father Tom’s Surgery Next Week

Please, continue to pray for the success of Father Tom’s upcoming heart surgery scheduled for Tuesday, July 21 at 11:00 a.m. We pray that he will have a speedy and complete recovery from this surgery.

“God of love and mercy, assist Fr. Tom in this time of trouble and anxiety. Ease his burdens. Strengthen his faith. Increase his trust and confidence in Your compassionate care.

Give him the courage he needs, dear Lord, to face the difficulties before him, knowing that with Your help, miracles happen and lives are restored.

Jesus, keep Fr. Tom and his doctors and nurses close to Your Sacred Heart, and bless them abundantly as they conquer and overcome Father’s heart problem. Amen.”

Come Worship with us in the
Beautiful San Diego Sun!!!

Because the Governor has required suspension of all indoor activities for the time being, all Sacred Heart Masses will be held outside beginning Saturday July 18th in the courtyard.

Mass times will remain the same; Saturday 4:30 PM, Sunday 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Daily Masses will also be held in the courtyard starting July 20th at 8:00 AM.

All procedures of social distancing, hand sanitizing, mask wearing, etc. will remain the same. The church building will be closed. Two entrances will be through the gates at the front of the courtyard.

Please do not move chairs as they are spaced for social distancing. Mass procedures will remain the same as if they were in the church. Eucharist will be distributed at the end of Mass as before and exiting will be through the gates by the church or by the hall entrance.

We hope to see you outside. May God guide us through these troubling times

There is a lot of additional information about protocols for you in the document that is attached. It contains the safety guidelines. Please download it.


There will be NO Mass tomorrow morning
Wednesday 7/15/2020
Masses in the Courtyard begin
Saturday evening

Mass Announcement:

Beginning Saturday evening July 18th, all Masses will be said outside in the courtyard at the normal times. All daily Masses are canceled until this date, and then will resume on Monday July 20th outside as well. All procedures of social distancing, hygiene, mask wearing, etc. will remain the same.

Come worship with us out in the beautiful San Diego sun!

Mass Tomorrow Morning, Tuesday 7/14/2020
Will Be Celebrated

Tomorrow’s daily Mass, Tuesday, July 14th will still take place in the church at 8:00 am.

Due to the Governor’s announcement earlier today, the team will get together to plan our next step for holding Masses outside in the courtyard.

Please watch for more information to follow.

As always… stay safe.

Angela Roberts
Administrative Assistant / Bookkeeper
Sacred Heart Church of Ocean Beach, San Diego

Music – 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Fellow Parishioners,

This Sunday’s music lyrics can be found in this attachment. I think you’ll recognize all these songs, so sing along!

The Gospel this week is about the Parable of the Sower and I found some great songs on that topic, so I’m going to share some with you, including two to share with kids.

The first one is “Song of the Parable of the Sower” by John Hayles.

These are the two to share with kids (but grownups, don’t be afraid to check them out! They’re cute and upbeat.)

“Parable of the Sower”

“Seed Sower”

This Saturday our confirmation class got confirmed, so in their honor I’m including a song called “The Call” by Tom Franzak. Congratulations to all our confirmants!

God bless you all and keep you safe,

Janis Cantú

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Mass for this weekend is live streamed from the 8:00 AM service tomorrow (Sunday) morning. Here is the stream on the Sacred Heart YouTube channel:
Fr. Emmanuel still makes available the link to his Sunday homily on his blog. You can find the link to his blog here
Here is the Sacred Heart YouTube channel for all Parish videos:

Let’s all be thankful that we are here and able to attend Mass in our church or view it online.

God bless you!

Here is a link to the weekly bulletin.