The Liturgy Returns to Normal!

With the guidance of Bishop McElroy, Father Tom has been prayerfully examining the liturgy and has decided to return the liturgy to normal.

The congregation will now be able to sing the Mass responses, the Gloria and the other hymns.

All the Mass prayers that were omitted for the shortened liturgy will now be restored and communion will be distributed at its regular place in the Mass.

Having Mass outside, participants wearing masks, and obeying social distancing guidelines, we believe our Mass is as safe as it has been. We thank you for your patience and understanding during this time as we continue to do what is best physically and spiritually for our parish community.

Children’s Religious Education – Please Sign-Up Now

Sacred Heart Church of Ocean Beach Religious Education Program Registration is now OPENED! We are excited to begin a new year sharing our faith and learning about the love of God. Students in Kindergarten through Fifth grade meet weekly online on Zoom until we can meet safely at the Academy on Sunday Mornings, 8:30 AM – 9:45 am. The Zoom online schedule is as follows:

Sunday Schedule
Level 1 (Kindergarten-First Grade) 8:00-8:30 am
Level 2 (Sacrament Prep) 8:40-9:10 am

Level 3 (Third-Fifth Grade) 9:20 am-9:50 am.

If this year we can meet in person here is the Sunday Schedule, which is the same as last year.

Sunday Schedule (in person)
8:30 AM – 8:45 AM
Children gather in the Upstairs Great Room for Prayer, Snacks, Opening Lesson & Song.
8:45 AM – 9:45

Children will breakout into age appropriate faith lessons

We will also offering a homeschooling option for parents to be the Catechist (this option is not for Level 2). Parents will be the teachers and do monthly check ins with Stephen Williams on Zoom.

First Reconciliation & First Holy Communion (Level 2)

To receive the sacrament of First Reconciliation and First Communion your child must be in second grade or 7 years old. Our program is one year, and they must attend the majority of the sessions and be going to Sunday mass in person or online. This program does not offer a homeschooling option.

Registration will be online this year and can be found on the Children’s Religious Education page. September 21st. is the registration deadline and classes start October 4th.

The cost of Religious Ed is $75 (one child) $55 (for each additional child)

You can pay online on the parish’s website through ONLINE GIVING just select Religious Ed Registration or can pay in person at the parish office during business hours.

Stephen Williams
Religious Education Coordinator
4776 Saratoga Avenue
San Diego, Ca 92107
(619) 310-6979
Tomorrow evening come to our very first XLT, which is praise and worship, adoration, and a talk by our Youth Minister Pat Gunning. It will be live in the courtyard tomorrow evening from 7:00 PM – 8:30PM in the Church courtyard. Fr. Sarfraz will be exposing Jesus in adoration. All are welcome! Please come praise with us in this difficult time and give glory to God!
Music and Mass Links for
The 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Mass for this weekend is live streamed from the 8:00 AM service this morning. Here is the stream on the Sacred Heart YouTube channel:

Fr. Emmanuel still makes available the link to his Sunday homily on his blog. You can find the link to his blog here:
Here is the Sacred Heart YouTube channel for all Parish videos:

This week’s bulletin is here.

Also, we have brought in more shade coverings to give you additional protection from the warm California sun.

God bless you!

Fellow Parishioners,

This week’s songs are all ones the choirs have sung, but one of the songs is newer than the others, so just in case you don’t know ‘Day of Peace’, here is a link so you can hear the composer sing it. The lyrics for all three songs can be found in this attachment.

This week’s Gospel tells about Jesus asking the apostles who people say, and who they say, He is. Here are a couple songs based on this Gospel:

‘Who Do You Say That I Am?’ by David Phelps

‘Who Do You Say I Am?’ by Don Potter

My other offerings this week are two lovely songs of comfort:

‘My God Is Greater’ by Abigail Miller

‘I Know Who Holds Tomorrow’ sung by The Petersens

As always, I hope you enjoy them and find them uplifting! Have a safe and blessed week.

Janis Cantú

Religious Education

Sacred Heart Church of Ocean Beach Religious Education Program Registration is now OPENED! We are excited to begin a new year sharing our faith and learning about the love of God. Students in Kindergarten through Fifth grade meet weekly online on Zoom until we can meet safely at the Academy on Sunday Mornings, 8:30 AM – 9:45 am. The Zoom online schedule is as follows:

Sunday Schedule
Level 1 (Kindergarten-First Grade) 8:00-8:30 am
Level 2 (Sacrament Prep) 8:40-9:10 am

Level 3 (Third-Fifth Grade) 9:20 am-9:50 am.

If this year we can meet in person here is the Sunday Schedule, which is the same as last year.

Sunday Schedule (in person)
8:30 AM – 8:45 AM
Children gather in the Upstairs Great Room for Prayer, Snacks, Opening Lesson & Song.
8:45 AM – 9:45

Children will breakout into age appropriate faith lessons

We will also offering a homeschooling option for parents to be the Catechist (this option is not for Level 2). Parents will be the teachers and do monthly check ins with Stephen Williams on Zoom.

First Reconciliation & First Holy Communion (Level 2)

To receive the sacrament of First Reconciliation and First Communion your child must be in second grade or 7 years old. Our program is one year, and they must attend the majority of the sessions and be going to Sunday mass in person or online. This program does not offer a homeschooling option.

Registration will be online this year and can be found on the Children’s Religious Education page. September 21st. is the registration deadline and classes start October 4th.

The cost of Religious Ed is $75 (one child) $55 (for each additional child). You can pay online on the parish’s website through ONLINE GIVING just select Religious Ed Registration or can pay in person at the parish office during business hours.

Stephen Williams
Religious Education Coordinator
4776 Saratoga Avenue
San Diego, Ca 92107
(619) 310-6979
Come to our very first XLT, which is praise and worship, adoration, and a talk by our Youth Minister Pat Gunning. It will be Wednesday August 26th 7:00 PM – 8:30PM in the Church courtyard. Fr. Sarfraz will be exposing Jesus in adoration. All are welcome! Come praise with us in this difficult time and give glory to God!
Ministry Schedule for October and November

If you have been on the minster list for the Word, Holy Communion, or Hospitality and removed yourself because of the pandemic and now wish to return, please email Mary Kay Cook at

If you are currently on the schedule, please send the dates that you are NOT available to Mary Kay. I am currently beginning to work on the next schedule which will be for the months of October and November.

I will need your dates by September 11th in order to make the bulletin deadline.

Thank you!

Mary Kay