Dear Fellow Parishioners,
Most of this week’s music is very familiar, but the offertory song is less known so here is a link for it: ‘Where Love Is Found’ (This recording of the song is so pretty it’s worth a listen just for enjoyment.)
The lyrics to this and all the other music can be found in this attachment.
In this week’s Gospel, the Pharisees are trying to trip Jesus up again like they tried last week. This time they’re asking what is the greatest commandment and I’m sure you all know His response which is the theme for most of the songs I’m sharing this week. I found out it’s a very popular theme.
‘The Greatest Commandment’ by the Porter’s Gate
‘Love the Lord Your God’
‘The Greatest Commandment Love One Another’
I don’t know if you enjoy children’s choirs as much as I do, but the next one is very short, sung by children at the Cebu Gospel Church in the Philippines: ‘Greatest Commandment’
If you like contemporary music, there’s ‘Love God, Love People’ by Danny Gokey
And lastly, if you like bluegrass, check out this one: ‘You Don’t Love God If You Don’t Love Your Neighbor’ by Rhonda Vincent and her band It’s another toe-tapper.
I hope you enjoy them all! Have a wonderful week and stay healthy and stay safe.
Janis Cantú