Learning About The Priesthood

On Saturday, November 14, 2020 the Diocese of San Diego is hosting an Explorer Day for those men who are interested in exploring a possible vocation to the priesthood. The day will be held at St. Francis Center on the campus of the University of San Diego from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.

If living a life of service for Christ and the people of God is attractive to you, take advantage of the opportunity to attend this upcoming Explorer Day. Pick up an application at your parish office or call Fr. Lauro Minimo at St. Francis Center at (619) 291-7446. See also Explorer Day Flyer and Explorer Day Registration Form

Music and Mass Links for
Solemnity of All Saints

So that we can share a candle procession honoring members of our Parish family who have passed away this year, we are streaming the 10:00 AM Mass live. Mass will be in the church this weekend at 4:30 PM on Saturday and at 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM on Sunday. Tomorrow morning’s Mass link for 10:00 AM link on the Sacred Heart YouTube channel is here: https://youtu.be/8omkSG6XBqE

Almost immediately after Mass we will have a Rosary for Father Tom. We would like to thank Ann Wieczorek for leading us in praying the Glorious Mysteries. The Rosary will also be streamed.

Fr. Emmanuel still makes available the link to his Sunday homily on his blog. You can find the link to his blog here:

Here is the Sacred Heart YouTube channel for all Parish videos:

This week’s bulletin is here.

God bless you!

Dear Fellow Parishioners,

This week we are celebrating the Feast of All Saints and during our Mass this week we will be having the candle procession to remember the members of the congregation who passed away this past year. Here is a link to the music lyrics. There is only one song that you may not be familiar with, ‘Carry Me Home’ that I’ll be singing for Preparation of the Gifts in honor of all of our deceased loved ones. Here is a link to hear it:  https://youtu.be/5bwMWMTJ2Q4

This week’s Gospel is The Sermon on the Mount so I have two Beatitudes songs to share: ‘Beatitudes’ by Jami Smith https://youtu.be/sd9HQyLbXdo
and ‘The Sermon on the Mount’ by the Kingdom Heirs  https://youtu.be/xdDzzNQhYZo

The next song is for All Saints: ‘Your Heart’ by Chris Tomlin  https://youtu.be/oNlgG_-wjpM

The next two songs are more in keeping with All Souls Day, remembering those friends and family that we have lost:

‘The Gathering of Spirits’ by Carrie Newcomer  https://youtu.be/M1WrNisRhDU

and ‘Go in Peace’ by Sarah Hart. https://youtu.be/xod_35I91aY This song is in our missal, Breaking Bread #669.

The last share of the day should cheer you up, now that I’ve made you all sad. There are a hundred different interpretations of ‘When the Saints Go Marching In’ on YouTube including ones by Louis Armstrong, B.B. King, Fats Domino and Elvis Presley, but this one from an Andre Rieu concert is absolutely joyful: https://youtu.be/5K1Th64YGCs

Stay safe, stay healthy and God bless.

Janis Cantú

Rosary for Father Tom

As Father Tom prepares for additional surgery the Pastoral Council invites you to join us to pray the Rosary for him following the 10:00AM Mass this Sunday morning. The Rosary will be available to view on the Parish YouTube channel for those who want to pray along at home. We would like to thank Ann Wieczorek for leading us in praying the Glorious Mysteries.

Details on viewing the 10:00AM Mass and Rosary will follow tomorrow and Sunday morning.
Sign-Up Now
Sacred Heart’s November Book Club
Date: Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Time: 10:30 AM
Place: Cottage by the alley

We will go over discussion questions for River of Fire. Please feel free to bring your own questions!

Our next book is
Jesus: A Pilgrimage by Father James Martin.

Download a flyer here.

If you’re interested, please RSVP by email or phone to Cindy Krause

925-639-9089 krause67@gmail.com

The Mass Stream this Weekend
10:00AM This Sunday

So that we can all view the candle procession for our Parishioners who have died in this past year, we will live stream the 10:00AM Mass this Sunday. We will be sending out the Mass link later this week.

Masses Resume Inside the Church this Weekend

This weekend, Saturday, October 31st, we will be back in the church for our Masses, including the daily Masses, due to the time change, dampness and cooler weather. This could change depending upon orders from the State of California or the diocese.

Mass will be a full Mass with Communion before the concluding rites. Parishioners will enter and exit through the Saratoga side door and the Sunset Cliffs front door. There will be no congregational singing except for the Alleluia and Responsorial Psalm.

The safety precautions prescribed by the state and diocese will remain in place. Wash your hands, wear your mask, and maintain a 6-foot distance with those outside your family, etc.

Mass will continue to be livestreamed for those who are watching at home.

Please consider joining the Hospitality Ministers, as we move inside for Masses.

There is a lot of additional information about protocols for you in the document that is attached. It contains the safety guidelines. Please download it.

Music and Mass Links for
The 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

As many of you know, at about 9 minutes in we lost the feed from last week’s Mass. We apologize. Measures have been taken to fix the problem and we hope that you will pray that it is successful. Mass continues to be celebtated outside on the patio at 4:30 PM on Saturday and at 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM on Sunday. Tomorrow morning’s Mass at 8:00 AM is streamed live. Here is the link to to view Mass on the Sacred Heart YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTeFYUMPtfo

Fr. Emmanuel still makes available the link to his Sunday homily on his blog. You can find the link to his blog here:

Here is the Sacred Heart YouTube channel for all Parish videos:

This week’s bulletin is here.

God bless you!

Dear Fellow Parishioners,

Most of this week’s music is very familiar, but the offertory song is less known so here is a link for it: ‘Where Love Is Found’  https://youtu.be/05Skn6Y6tc8 (This recording of the song is so pretty it’s worth a listen just for enjoyment.)

The lyrics to this and all the other music can be found in this attachment.

In this week’s Gospel, the Pharisees are trying to trip Jesus up again like they tried last week. This time they’re asking what is the greatest commandment and I’m sure you all know His response which is the theme for most of the songs I’m sharing this week. I found out it’s a very popular theme.

‘The Greatest Commandment’ by the Porter’s Gate  https://youtu.be/pElUWTNsYXU

‘Love the Lord Your God’ https://youtu.be/NLIM2u1vm5g

‘The Greatest Commandment Love One Another’  https://youtu.be/QDRLrz_Hf_c

I don’t know if you enjoy children’s choirs as much as I do, but the next one is very short, sung by children at the Cebu Gospel Church in the Philippines: ‘Greatest Commandment’ https://youtu.be/CkvgX6J-BEA

If you like contemporary music, there’s ‘Love God, Love People’ by Danny Gokey https://youtu.be/t-29WLQ3trA

And lastly, if you like bluegrass, check out this one: ‘You Don’t Love God If You Don’t Love Your Neighbor’ by Rhonda Vincent and her band https://youtu.be/b7IHLYYrgWk. It’s another toe-tapper.

I hope you enjoy them all! Have a wonderful week and stay healthy and stay safe.

Janis Cantú

Bad Email Being Sent Out

I apologize for not sending this out to the parish earlier this week. The email below is being sent out. It is not from Fr. Tom. It will do bad things if you respond. If you receive it please delete it immediately.


From: Reverend Father <rfather170@gmail.com>
Date: October 12, 2020 at 10:56:35 AM EDT
To: DirectorofOffering@sacredheartob.org

good morning , hope your day is going good?
I need a favor from you, text me as soon as you get this message.
God bless,
Rev. Thomas RJ Kiely,

Music and Mass Links for
The 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Mass continues to be celebtated outside on the patio at 4:30 PM on Saturday and at 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM on Sunday. Tomorrow morning’s Mass at 8:00 AM is streamed live. Here is the link to to view Mass on the Sacred Heart YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/nBs_0JHbg-w

Fr. Emmanuel still makes available the link to his Sunday homily on his blog. You can find the link to his blog here:

Here is the Sacred Heart YouTube channel for all Parish videos:

This week’s bulletin is here.

Please remember that we need you to be involved at Scared Heart if you’re not already. If you’d like more information about volunteering just reply to this email and we’ll be in touch.

Thanks to all of you for what you do!

God bless you!

Dear Fellow Parishioners,

I hope you all have had a great week and survived the heat.

This week’s music for Mass is all well known and you can find the lyrics in this attachment.

This week’s psalm is about giving praise and honor to God so my selections this week follow that theme.

The first song was introduced to me by a friend of mine who asked me to sing it for her husband’s funeral. It’s about imagining what it will be like to be in heaven in God’s presence. It always brings tears to my eyes. There are two versions here; the first is by a children’s choir and if you click on “Show More” down below the video, you can see the lyrics. The second version is the original sung by the composer and his band.
‘I Can Only Imagine’ (One Voice Children’s Choir) https://youtu.be/acwsBIl15zM
‘I Can Only Imagine’ (Mercy Me) https://youtu.be/ZVfFY3MMxEI

The next is ‘Build My Life’ by Pat Barrett  https://youtu.be/QZW4_8_zCBE

‘Look at the World’ composed and directed by John Rutter

And the last is very short and toe-tappingly upbeat: ‘Sing unto the Lord’ by Jeff Hamlin https://youtu.be/NZXxveIq3vw

Have a praise-filled week! Stay safe and stay healthy.

Janis Cantú