Prepare for the Coming of Christ

Happy Advent!

This season of Advent can often be overlook by all the gift and holiday preparation of Christmas. But as Catholics we celebrate this season as a way to welcome Christ into the world. This past Monday the Small Church Communities hosted an Advent night of prayer. If you missed the event in person please view the livestream here

This video is a perfect way to prepare your heart for the coming of Christ into the world!

Stephen Williams
Religious Education Coordinator
4776 Saratoga Avenue
San Diego, Ca 92107
(619) 310-6979
During Advent

This year because of COVID we will not have a Parish Reconciliation service. Instead we will have extra times for individual confessions.

These will be:

Wednesday December 2
with Father Adnan Ghani

Wednesday December 9
with Monsignor Mark Campbell

Wednesday December 16
with Monsignor Mark Campbell

5:30 – 6:30 PM

We will still have Saturday Confessions

Fraudulent Phishing Email
NOT Sent by Father Tom!!

Good afternoon –

Today one of our Parishioners received a fraudulent email purported to be from Father Tom. This is called a “phishing scam.” Here is what a phishing scam is:

Phishing is the fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information or data, such as usernames, passwords and credit card details, by disguising oneself as a trustworthy entity or person in an electronic communication such as an email. Typically carried out by email spoofing, instant messaging, and text messaging, phishing often directs users to enter personal information at a fake website which matches the look and feel of the legitimate site.

Phishing is an example of social engineering techniques used to deceive users. Users are lured by communications purporting to be from trusted parties such as social web sites, auction sites, banks, colleagues/executives, online payment processors or IT administrators.

The goal of a phishing email is usually to send the criminal money or purchase debit cards and then give the “friend” in an email the account number on the debit card. People are often asked for their phone number in these emails.

If you receive a phishing email it is best to delete the email immediately.

Below is a chain of emails that were a part of this scam to our fellow Parishioner. We are sending this to you so that if you have not heard of this fraudulent activity you will know that this is always a possibility that you may receive a similar email from friends, relatives or even your pastor.

Bruce Bauer


On Nov 30, 2020, at 6:00 AM, Rev. Thomas RJ Kiely <> wrote:

Dear Bruce

Good morning, How are you doing? I need a favor from you email me as soon as you get this message.

God bless.
Fr. Thomas Kiely

On Mon, Nov 30, 2020, 4:18 PM Bruce Bauer wrote:

Good morning Father Tom!

My family has remained safe through COVID-19.


On Nov 30, 2020, at 7:25 AM, Rev. Thomas RJ Kiely <> wrote:

Thanks for your response Bruce. As a favor, I would be very glad if you can help me get a Steam Gift Card worth $500 at $100 or $50 denominations for a friend of mine going through cancer in the hospital. He needs the card to download his favorite gaming videos so as to boost his confidence on his next phase of surgery and fight over cancer which he’s going to undergo today but i can’t do this now.

Can you get it from any closest Store/CVS pharmacy around you right now. Here is how you are getting it delivered, you will see a silver print on the card, scratch the silver print gently, then email me picture of each card so I can get them forwarded to him directly and I promise to get you reimbursed as soon as i can.

“Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40

God bless you as you help my friend out of these terrible situation. Hope to hear from you soon if you can be of help.

Awaiting your response,
Fr. Thomas Kiely

From: “Rev. Thomas RJ Kiely” <>
Date: November 30, 2020 at 7:51:37 AM PST
To: Bruce Bauer
Subject: Re: Many Blessings, Bruce Bauer

Bruce! Thank you so much please kindly ask whatever you need to ask as I’m presently in a meeting right now and won’t be chanced to call kindly talk to me on here as I would give you a reply immediately.

Fr. Thomas Kiely

Advent Reflection
Tomorrow Evening

Please join us for a liturgy or watch on YouTube where we will journey together with the 4 candles of Advent:

Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. 

Blessing of the Advent Candles will be at the End of the Liturgy.

Sponsored by the Small Church Communities

Tomorrow Evening
Monday, November 30th at 6:30PM
Sacred Heart Church Courtyard
We will live stream the liturgy here:

For more information contact:
Stephen Williams, Religious Education Coordinator
(619) 310-6979 or
You can download a flyer here.

Music and Mass Links for the
The First Sunday of Advent
“Be Alert and Watchful”

Mass is in the courtyard at 4:30 PM on Saturday and at 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM on Sunday. Fr. Emmanuel is presiding at our 8:00 AM Mass tomorrow morning. Here is the link for the live 8:00 AM Mass on Sunday on the Sacred Heart YouTube channel:

Fr. Emmanuel still makes available the link to his Sunday homily on his blog. You can find the link to his blog here:

Here is the Sacred Heart YouTube channel for all Parish videos:

You can download this week’s bulletin produced by the new company here.

God bless you!

Dear Fellow Parishioners,

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Are you ready for Advent? I hope so because it begins this Sunday! The songs this week should be mostly familiar. The opening song is one we introduced for Advent four years ago (The King Shall Come The other that is less familiar is ‘Turn to Me’ which the choir sang this year for the first time on Ash Wednesday The words for these songs and all others for this week can be found in this attachment.

The Gospel this week asks us to be watchful so I chose the next two songs to share:

‘Be Watchful and Ready’ sung by Andi Kitten and Madeline Powell

A more upbeat take on the subject is ‘Be Watchful’ by Gretchen Harris

The next is an Advent song by Christy Nockels titled ‘The Thrill of Hope’

‘Wait for the Lord’ a Taizé hymn by Jacques Berthier

And my last link for this week is an interesting and beautiful version of an old standard for Advent ‘O Come, O Come, Emmanuel’ sung by Anna Hawkins, filmed in Israel and sung in both English and Hebrew. If you click on “Show More” below the title, you can see the lyrics in both languages.

I wish you and yours a blessed beginning to Advent. May God keep you safe and healthy throughout the holiday season.

Janis Cantú

Advent Reflection Night
Advent Christmas Season Calendar

Please join us for a liturgy where we will journey together with the 4 candles of Advent:

Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love.

Blessing of the Advent Candles will be at the End of the Liturgy.

Sponsored by the Small Church Communities

Monday, November 30th at 6:30PM
Sacred Heart Church
or in the Courtyard if Purple Restrictions Remain
We will live stream the event

For more information contact:
Stephen Williams, Religious Education Coordinator
(619) 310-6979 or
You can download a flyer here.

You can download the schedule here.
Thanksgiving Mass


Bring a basket with the Bread and Wine you will serve with your Thanksgiving meal to the Thanksgiving Day Mass at 9:00 AM, Thursday, Nov. 26. After Mass Fr. Mark Campbell will bless them.

Music and Mass Links for the
Feast of Christ the King

Mass is in the courtyard at 4:30 PM on Saturday and at 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM on Sunday. We are blessed to have Fr. Adnan Ghani presiding at our 8:00 AM Mass tomorrow morning. Here is the link for the live 8:00 AM Mass on Sunday on the Sacred Heart YouTube channel:

Fr. Emmanuel still makes available the link to his Sunday homily on his blog. You can find the link to his blog here:

Here is the Sacred Heart YouTube channel for all Parish videos:

You can download this week’s bulletin produced by the new company here.

God bless you!

Dear Fellow Parishioners,

Here we are at the end of the liturgical year, celebrating the Feast of Christ the King. Next Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent, believe it or not. This week the only song you may not be familiar with is ‘Hymn to Christ the King’ by Sarah Hart and here is a link so you can hear it: 

The words to this song and all the others can be found in this attachment.

It was so hard to whittle down my list of song choices to share with you this week. I finally chose the following:

‘There Is a King’ sung by Chris Brown 

‘Heaven Crowned Him Christ the King’ a choral piece written by Pepper Choplin

‘Come Worship Christ the King’ by the Zoe Group
This has an uninspired beginning, but quickly picks up. Hang in there.

‘The King in All His Beauty’ by Sovereign Grace Music

And lastly, in honor of Thanksgiving, ‘Give Thanks’ sung by Janella Salvador

Wishing you all a safe, healthy and very happy Thanksgiving,

Janis Cantú

Update on Father Tom

Fr. Tom checked in to the hospital at 7:30 am on Tuesday, November 17, 2020. The doctor said that Fr. Tom’s potassium level was perfect the morning before surgery. His cardiac ablation procedure which should have taken 3 to 4 hours ended up being 6.5 hours. The doctor said the procedure was much more extensive and complicated than he expected. He feels the surgery was a success. Fr. Emmanuel was able to visit him later that evening. Fr. Tom was in the hospital for just one night and was released early Wednesday evening.

Fr. Tom is doing well and will be staying at his sister Mary Ellen’s house as he recovers.

Praise and thanks to God for Fr. Tom and Fr. Emmanuel! Thank you all for your continued prayers.