Bible Study Begins Next Wednesday
You Need to Order Materials and Access by Tomorrow

Our Winter Bible Series starts next week you need to order materials and access by tomorrow.

We will be using Ascension Press Series Unlocking the Mysteries of the Bible. This 8 week Bible study goes over the whole Bible. To do this class you will need to pay and create an account with Ascension Press with the link below. For just $24.95 plus shipping you will get access to the series videos for a year, a study book, a bookmark, and Bible Timeline. You will have homework each week to read the assigned readings in the Bible and watch the video. On Wednesday nights we will discuss what we have learned and keep each other accountable for the readings!

Link to Ascension Press to buy the Bible Study

Please purchase a week ahead of time to allow more than enough time for shipping!

Day: Wednesdays (February 3rd-March 24th)
Time: 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Location: Your Home (we are doing virtual class right now on
Join us: Email Stephen for information to join the meeting

Stephen Williams
Religious Education Coordinator
4776 Saratoga Avenue
San Diego, Ca 92107
(619) 310-6979

Music and Mass Links for the
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Church is now in ordinary time. Mass is celebrated outside in the church patio this afternoon at 4:30 PM and tomorrow at 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Mass will be streamed live tomorrow at 8:00 AM at this link on the Sacred Heart YouTube channel:

Fr. Emmanuel makes available the link to his Christmas homily on his blog. You can find the link to his blog here:

Here is the Sacred Heart YouTube channel for all Parish videos:

A link to the weekly bulletin is here.

God bless you!

Dear Fellow Parishioners,This week’s Gospel continues the story of the calling of the first disciples. The songs for Mass are all very well known and you can find the words in this attachment.The first song I’m going to share with you today echoes the theme of this week’s psalm: ‘Teach Me to Do Your Will’ by Steve Ragsdale

The next song, ‘Face to Face’ (Peter’s Song) sung by Michael O’Brien, takes us from Peter’s calling by Jesus all the way through Easter from Peter’s point of view.

In the Gospel this week, Jesus tells Simon Peter and Andrew that he will make them fishers of men and that inspired the rest of the songs I’m going to share with you. They all have that for the title, but boy are they different from each other!

‘Fishers of Men’ by Tim Malchak

‘Fishers of Men’ sung by Christian Edition is for those of you who enjoy choral music.

‘Fishers of Men’ by Rhonda Vincent (country a cappella with great harmonies)

And lastly, a very upbeat, foot-tapping ‘Fishers of Men’ by the Hoppers for those of you who enjoy country gospel music.

I hope they brighten your day during this gloomy, rainy weekend. God bless you all and keep you safe.

Janis Cantú

Sacred Heart’s February
Book Club Meeting
Date: Tuesday, February 9, 2021
Time: 10:30 AM
Location: On Zoom

We had a lively discussion on Fratelli Tutti by Pope Francis. The encyclical letter and discussion left me and I think others with a lot to think about!

For our February selection we have chosen “Experiencing God in the Ordinary” by William A. Barry. We will again meet on Zoom at 10:30 AM Tuesday, February 9th. Thank you Stephen for setting this up for us each month. Hopefully we will be able to meet in person by late spring!

Our next meeting is a week and a day before Ash Wednesday. Stephen, our Religious Education Coordinator, has given me suggestions for our book club. Of course, please bring your own for us to consider. His recommendations are listed below.

What Christ Suffered: A Doctor’s Journey Through the Passion by Thomas W. Mc Govern MD. $27.95 hard back and $20.99 Kindle

What Jesus Saw from the Cross by A. G. Sertillanges. $5.96 hard back and $9.47 Kindle

Holy Thursday: The Night that Changed the World by Francois Mauriac. $14.95 paperback and $8.73 hard back.

The Cries of Jesus from the Cross by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. Paperback $15.39 and Kindle $9.97.

If you’re interested, please RSVP by email or phone to Cindy Krause

Attention Ministers
Help Needed!!

Have you been off the schedule and are wanting to return?

We need Ministers of Holy Communion at all of the Masses especially at the 10:00 AM Mass on Sunday.

We need Ministers of Hospitality at the 5:00 PM Mass on Sunday.

The next schedule will begin during Holy Week. We can use your help at all the Masses. If you would like to return, please contact Mary Kay Cook at

A Lenten Journey

Join us this Lent and make the most of this time of reflection. We have had so much time this year to reflect on our own lives, but it is now time to reflect on the suffering Jesus endure for us on the cross. We will have small groups that will meet each week and reflect on the Sunday readings. Our groups will meet in person or online depending on the day and time. The books we will be using are Evangelical Catholic’s “With Jesus to the Cross” and are $13. Please sign up for these groups by February 8th. Sign up online pick up a form in the Parish Rectory.

Form the Lenten Journey is here

For More information please contact Stephen Williams at

Stephen Williams
Religious Education Coordinator
4776 Saratoga Avenue
San Diego, Ca 92107
(619) 310-6979

Bible Study
Begins Wednesday February 3rd

Our Winter Bible Series starts in 2 weeks!

We will be using Ascension Press Series Unlocking the Mysteries of the Bible. This 8 week Bible study goes over the whole Bible. To do this class you will need to pay and create an account with Ascension Press with the link below. For just $24.95 plus shipping you will get access to the series videos for a year, a study book, a bookmark, and Bible Timeline. You will have homework each week to read the assigned readings in the Bible and watch the video. On Wednesday nights we will discuss what we have learned and keep each other accountable for the readings!

Link to Ascension Press to buy the Bible Study

Please purchase a week ahead of time to allow more than enough time for shipping!

Day: Wednesdays (February 3rd-March 24th)
Time: 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Location: Your Home (we are doing virtual class right now on
Join us: Email Stephen for information to join the meeting

Stephen Williams
Religious Education Coordinator
4776 Saratoga Avenue
San Diego, Ca 92107
(619) 310-6979


The San Diego Walk for Life car caravan has been postponed to Saturday, January 30th at 1:00 pm. See Bishop McElroy’s statement below…

“With deepest regret we must postpone the car caravan for the March for Life celebration until January 30th at 1:00 p.m. Given the violence in Pacific Beach last weekend, I spoke directly with the San Diego Police Department and asked if they could provide assurance that the caravan could proceed this Saturday without complicating efforts to maintain peace there in light of the political demonstrations planned in front of the County Administration Center for this Saturday.  The Police Department felt that it could not provide such an assurance, and thus out of concern for the caravan participants and a desire not to make the job of our police any harder in these troubling days, I feel we must postpone the event.

I am so grateful for the tremendous work that the planning committee has done in expanding our March for Life celebrations this year to include webinars, a concert, and three Masses throughout San Diego County, so that even amidst the pandemic we can witness powerfully to the moral and legal rights of unborn children and the suffering of pregnant women in our midst.”

Bishop Robert W. McElroy

Music and Mass Links for the
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Church now moves to ordinary time. Mass is celebrated outside in the church patio this afternoon at 4:30 PM and tomorrow at 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Mass will be streamed live tomorrow at 8:00 AM at this link on the Sacred Heart YouTube channel:

Fr. Emmanuel makes available the link to his Christmas homily on his blog. You can find the link to his blog here:

Here is the Sacred Heart YouTube channel for all Parish videos:

A link to the Christmas weekend bulletin is here.

God bless you!

Dear Fellow Parishioners,

This week we find ourselves back in Ordinary Time. The songs for this week’s Mass are familiar ones and their lyrics can be found in this attachment. The readings this week are about receiving and answering God’s call.

The first three songs are all based on this week’s psalm, but the treatments are all so different, I decided to share all three.

‘See, I have come, Lord, to do your will’
‘Here Am I, Lord’ Psalm 40 by Glen Shulfer
‘Here I Am’ by Tony Alonso

The next three are about answering God’s call.

‘The Voice of God Is Calling’ sung by Westwood Congregational Church
‘Speak, O Lord’ by Keith and Kristyn Getty
‘Answer the Call’ by Steve Green

And this last one is more in response to today’s world and the times we find ourselves in.

‘Earth to God’ by John Rich

God bless you all with good health in mind, body and spirit.

Janis Cantú

Another Email Scam

Someone reported that they received an email from claiming that there was a deposit made in his account. However, the deposit did not go through and to claim it click on ‘here’ to transfer the money into the account. Please do not click on this link. It is a scam.

Please be very aware of anything that doesn’t look right, too good to be true, or suspicious. Call the parish office if you have any questions.

Angela Roberts
Administrative Assistant / Bookkeeper
Sacred Heart Church of Ocean Beach, San Diego

Bible Study
Begins Wednesday February 3rd

Our Winter Bible Series starts in 3 weeks!

We will be using Ascension Press Series Unlocking the Mysteries of the Bible. This 8 week Bible study goes over the whole Bible. To do this class you will need to pay and create an account with Ascension Press with the link below. For just $24.95 plus shipping you will get access to the series videos for a year, a study book, a bookmark, and Bible Timeline. You will have homework each week to read the assigned readings in the Bible and watch the video. On Wednesday night we will discuss what we have learned and keep each other accountable for the readings!

Link to Ascension Press to buy the Bible Study

Please purchase a week ahead of time to allow more than enough time for shipping!

Day: Wednesdays (February 3rd – March 24th)
Time: 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Location: Your Home (we are doing virtual class right now on
Join us: Email Stephen for information to join the meeting

Stephen Williams
Religious Education Coordinator
4776 Saratoga Avenue
San Diego, Ca 92107
(619) 310-6979