Need help with your prayer life this Lent?

Pick up a copy of “With Jesus to the Cross.” These books look over the Sunday readings. Each chapter goes over the Sunday reading of lent with opening and closing prayers, the readings, small reflections, reflection questions, and the outline of the readings of the week. These books also have a great index with confession resources. The best things about this book is that it can be used every 3 years as it has year B readings in it with no dates inside. This is the perfect book to add to your religious library. You can buy the books for $13 in the parish office.

Stephen Williams
Religious Education Coordinator
4776 Saratoga Avenue
San Diego, Ca 92107
(619) 310-6979

Stations of the Cross

Starting this Friday February 19th at 6:00 PM we will be having Stations of the Cross inside the Church for each week of Lent.

This year we will be using “Mary’s Way of the Cross”.

If you cannot be there in-person the Stations can be viewed on the Parish YouTube channel. A link will be shared with you later this week.

Please join us as a part of your Lenten Journey.

Music and Mass Links for the
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

If you have not heard, Mass is now celebrated back in the church this afternoon at 4:30 PM and tomorrow at 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Mass will be streamed live tomorrow at 8:00 AM at this link on the Sacred Heart YouTube channel:

Fr. Emmanuel makes available the link to his homily on his blog. You can find the link to his blog here:

Here is the Sacred Heart YouTube channel for all Parish videos:

A link to the weekly bulletin is here.

Ash Wednesday in this Wednesday and begins Lent. On Friday evenings we will have Stations of the Cross. You will receive more details including a link to a live stream.

God bless you!

Dear Fellow Parishioners,

Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope your day is filled with love and joy!

This week’s music selections for Mass contain nothing new, but Bread of Life by Bobby Fisher is not as well known as the other hymns of that name so I’m including a link for it here: The words for this and all other songs this week can be found in this attachment.

The first song I’m going to share today is a beautiful musical setting of the psalm for this Sunday, ‘I Turn to You, Lord, in Time of Trouble’ by Francesca LaRosa.

In honor of Valentine’s Day, I thought I would share a song based on 1 Corinthians often sung for weddings: ‘Charity’ sung here by Kenn Gulliksen.

The next is a song suggested for mass this week that can be found in Breaking Bread called ‘Holy Darkness’. You can see Dan Schutte, the popular Catholic composer of this song and many others, playing guitar in this video. He also sings one of the verses.

The First Reading and the Gospel, are both about lepers, so that will be the theme for the other offerings this week.

‘The Leper’ by Terry Clark–unR3iTX8

‘Leper Song’ by a group called October Wedding

‘Lepers’ by Joshua Levanthal

The last one is a toe-tapper based on an Old Testament story. ‘Naaman the Leper’ sung by Shelby Williams

Enjoy your Valentine’s Day! God bless you and keep you safe.

Janis Cantú

Good News! Mass will be in the Church…

Bishop McElroy sent a notice to all of the pastors this evening with some good news!

“Last night, February 5, the United States Supreme Court overrode the decision of Governor Newsom banning indoor worship services in California. Starting immediately public worship can take place in our churches and other buildings as long as occupancy is limited to twenty-five percent.”

This is about 75 people at Sacred Heart Church.

Mass Times
Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 5:30 PM
Daily Masses: 8:00 AM
Next Saturday: 3:15 – 4:00 PM Confession and 4:30 PM Mass.

Your continued safety is our priority. Masks are required for your safety and for those around you. Standing hand-sanitizer stations will be available at the doors. Members of the same household unit will be seated together, and also socially-distanced from people of other household units. The pews are marked for your convenience.

Online viewing will be available for our parishioners who are worshiping safely at home.

Good bless you all and stay safe…
You are in our prayers

There is a lot of additional information about protocols for you in the document that is attached. It contains the safety guidelines. Please download it.


During This Year of St. Joseph
We Will Say This Prayer at All Masses

Guardian of the Redeemer,
Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

To you God entrusted his only Son;
in you Mary placed her trust;
with you Christ became man.

Blessed Joseph, to us too,
show yourself a father and
guide us in the path of life.

Obtain for us grace, mercy
and courage, and defend
us from every evil.


You can downlaod a copy of the prayer here.
Music and Mass Links for the
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Church is now in ordinary time. Mass is celebrated outside in the church patio this afternoon at 4:30 PM and tomorrow at 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Mass will be streamed live tomorrow at 8:00 AM at this link on the Sacred Heart YouTube channel:

Fr. Emmanuel makes available the link to his homily on his blog. You can find the link to his blog here:

Here is the Sacred Heart YouTube channel for all Parish videos:

A link to the weekly bulletin is here.

God bless you!

Dear Fellow Parishioners,

The music for this Sunday’s Mass is all very familiar and you can find the words to all the songs in this attachment.

In this Sunday’s Gospel Jesus heals Simon Peter’s mother-in-law of a fever and then goes on to heal many others, so my theme this week is all about healing.

The first song I’m going to share is based on the psalm for this week, ‘Praise the Lord Who Heals the Broken-hearted’ (Aldo Joson) sung by Kevin Galano

Inspired by the psalm, I selected the next song , ‘Heal My Broken Heart’ by Patty Felker

The next is ‘Healing Waters’ composed by Trevor Thomson and beautifully sung here by Nikko Magtoto from his kitchen

‘Jesus Is Your Healer’ by Joseph Larson

‘Healed in Christ’ by Sarah Hart (A song about the Anointing of the Sick)

And the last one is ‘There’s Somebody Out There’ (Bates) sung here by Ron David Moore, another song about broken hearts and God’s power to heal them.

Enjoy the music and the beautiful weather. God’s blessings on you all.

Janis Cantú


2021 Church Bulletin Advertising

Do you have a business that serves the Ocean Beach/Point Loma or greater San Diego area? Engage with your local community by advertising in Sacred Heart Church bulletins. This helps support your Sacred Heart Parish and the community.

Weekly repetition means recognition!

Advertising in the church bulletin brings instant trust and credibility to your business. Please consider advertising… and spread the word! Seriously, please let friends that own businesses in Ocean Beach and Pt. Loma know they should look into advertising in our bulletin.

Travis Lawmaster, a representative from LPi, our new bulletin publisher, will be contacting businesses in the area in March to solicit new advertisers for Sacred Heart’s bulletin.

If you know of someone interested, they can contact him at:, 619-512-5977 or (800) 950-9952 x2688

Thanks to our advertisers; the printing costs for your parish bulletin are covered. If there are enough advertisers, your bulletin might be printed in color.

Sacred Heart’s February
Book Club Meeting Reminder
Date: Tuesday, February 9, 2021
Time: 10:30 AM
Location: On Zoom

We had a lively discussion on Fratelli Tutti by Pope Francis. The encyclical letter and discussion left me and I think others with a lot to think about!

For our February selection we have chosen “Experiencing God in the Ordinary” by William A. Barry. We will again meet on Zoom at 10:30 AM Tuesday, February 9th. Thank you Stephen for setting this up for us each month. Hopefully we will be able to meet in person by late spring!

Our next meeting is a week and a day before Ash Wednesday. Stephen, our Religious Education Coordinator, has given me suggestions for our book club. Of course, please bring your own for us to consider. His recommendations are listed below.

What Christ Suffered: A Doctor’s Journey Through the Passion by Thomas W. Mc Govern MD. $27.95 hard back and $20.99 Kindle

What Jesus Saw from the Cross by A. G. Sertillanges. $ 5.96 hard back and $9.47 Kindle

Holy Thursday: The Night that Changed the World by Francois Mauriac. $14.95 paperback and $8.73 hard back.

The Cries of Jesus from the Cross by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. Paperback $15.39 and Kindle $9.97.

If you’re interested, please RSVP by email or phone to Cindy Krause
925-639-9089 |