Spiritual and Religious
written by Douglas Sousa, STL

The truly spiritual person will follow Jesus even to the cross. The person with genuine insight into spiritual matters realizes that Jesus cannot be separated from his cross nor can eternal life be separated from death to self.

Each week we will be sharing a reflection on the Sunday readings at Mass, provided by the publishers of our bulletin.

Music and Mass Links
Fourth Sunday of Lent
– Daylight Savings Time –
Fr. Emmanuel’s Music Video Taping

Lent continues as Mass is celebrated this afternoon at 4:30 PM and tomorrow at 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Don’t forget to move your clocks forward tonight for daylight savings time. Please read the email sent this morning about Fr. Tom leading a 10 to 15 minutes Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament inside the Church immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass (that is shortly after 9:00 AM) tomorrow morning. It will be for the taping of Fr. Emmanuel’s music video “My Everything”.

Mass will be streamed live tomorrow at 8:00 AM at this link on the Sacred Heart YouTube channel:


Fr. Emmanuel makes available the link to his homily on his blog. You can find the link to his blog here:


Here is the Sacred Heart YouTube channel for all Parish videos:


A link to the weekly bulletin is here.

God bless you!

Dear Fellow Parishioners,

Here we are, beginning the 4th week of Lent. I’m sure you’ll recognize all the music for mass this week and you can find the words for all the songs in this attachment. Once again there are two sets of reading this week, one set being for the Scrutiny mass for the RCIA candidates, so I chose music inspired by both. The Gospel you will hear during mass tells us how God so loved the world.

‘God So Loved the World’ by City of Enoch https://youtu.be/D5UzlYjAqKE

‘For God So Loved the World’ by Joseph Martin https://youtu.be/bXHVMsfpe4w

‘Even Me’ by Triumphant Quartet https://youtu.be/qJHGxY_cmTY

The readings for the RCIA mass include the healing of the man blind from birth and Psalm 23: The Lord Is My Shepherd.

‘Heal Me’ by Jenny Phillips https://youtu.be/cPA2q1KnefQ

‘The Lord Is My Shepherd’ by Stuart Townend https://youtu.be/pN4tPkX0MG

‘I Am Not Alone’ Kari Jobe https://youtu.be/Ow4OfW4DP9s

And this last song is my wish for all of us this week: that we be as changed and filled with joy by the love of God as the people in this last video, and that we pass it on to all those we meet.

‘Changed’ by Jordan Feliz https://youtu.be/BGPMX4zU9jc

Have a wonderful week filled with God’s love and blessings.

Janis Cantú


Smile… We’re on Amazon!

Sacred Heart is On Amazon Smile!
Sacred Heart Church of Ocean Beach is exceptionally excited to announce that we now are on Amazon Smile. Amazon smile is just like the Amazon you know and love to shop on, but it can give back to our wonderful church, Sacred Heart Church of OB!
All you must do is click the link below and it will connect to your Amazon account.
Still confused? Read on to learn more.

What is Amazon Smile?
Amazon Smile is Amazon.com but provides an opportunity so that we can receive donations. At no cost to you (Wahoo) or us (Sacred Heart Church), you can help us receive 0.5% of every online purchase made on Amazon.com.

Get it on the App
Setup Amazon Smile on the Amazon App by simply clicking on the above link. Your account will be set up and ready for everything that you typically buy on your cell or your laptop.

Forget to go to smile.amazon.com?
Don’t worry. Amazon saves your donation choice so that you don’t have to worry. Simply visit amazon.com or open your app, and everything is exactly where you left it.

That sounds great, how do I sign up?
Easy. Just click on the Link https://smile.amazon.com/ch/82-5212861, sign in with your Amazon account, and you are set to go. No extra hassle and remember, every item purchased means that 0.5% will be given back to Sacred Heart Church. The perfect Win-Win situation.

Happy Shopping!

My Everything

My Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Greetings and Peace of Christ to you and your families. As we journey through the season of Lent in preparation for the joy of the glorious resurrection of Christ, I wish to announce to you that I have a new song I intend to officially release on Easter Sunday. I am already gathering clips for the official video. It is my earnest desire to feature Sacred Heart Parish in the video. To this effect, our pastor, Fr Tom Kiely will be leading a 10 to 15 minutes Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament inside the Church immediately after the 8:00 a.m. Mass (that is shortly after 9:00 a.m.) this Sunday (March 14, 2021).

There will be a video coverage of the Adoration. The audio music, “My Everything” will be looped in the background for the duration of the adoration while the video is captured. I will take some clips from the video and add to the official video of the song, “My Everything.” Parishioners who prefer to stay outside the Church during the adoration are very much welcome. Fr Tom will also walk outside with the Blessed Sacrament to bless those outside, and that part will be included in the video. I will explain the process to everyone at the beginning of the Adoration.

Please, feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions regarding this.

God bless you and yours,
Fr Emmanuel


This year because of COVID we will not have a
Parish Reconciliation service. Instead we will have extra times for individual confessions.

Reconciliation will be held outside. If the weather is bad, we will be inside the church in the confessional room.

These times will be from 5:30 – 6:30 PM on:

Wednesday, March 10th – Fr. Tom Kiely
Wednesday, March 17th – Fr. Mark Campbell
Wednesday, March 24th – Fr. Tom Kiely

We will still have Saturday Confessions
from 3:15 – 4:00 pm

Lent is a wonderful opportunity to be made new and united to God’s grace for all we face in our daily lives. Please consider this gift of God’s healing hand and renewing our soul.

You can download a copy of this schedule here.
2021 Knights of Columbus St. Patrick’s Day Dinner
Reserve by Friday!!
Order your St. Patrick’s Day family style take out meal by this Friday. Buy dinner from our friends in this only fundraiser of the year so they can help Pt. Loma and Ocean Beach. Please make your reservations now!
Music and Mass Links
Third Sunday of Lent

Lent continues as Mass is celebrated this afternoon at 4:30 PM and tomorrow at 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Please read the email sent this morning about protocols in place for the number of people allowed inside the church. Mass will be streamed live tomorrow at 8:00 AM at this link on the Sacred Heart YouTube channel:


Fr. Emmanuel makes available the link to his homily on his blog. You can find the link to his blog here:


Here is the Sacred Heart YouTube channel for all Parish videos:


A link to the weekly bulletin is here.

God bless you!

Dear Fellow Parishioners,

None of the music for this week’s Mass is new, but you may be less familiar with the communion song. We usually sing this as a psalm for the Easter Vigil, but it is such a lovely hymn we wanted to sing it in its entirety. It’s called “As the Deer Longs”

There are two sets of readings for this weekend, one of which is for a special Mass for the RCIA candidates, so I chose music this week inspired by both. You can download all of the lyrics at this link. First I’ll share the ones inspired by the readings you’re about to hear.

‘The Ten Commandments’ by Johnny Cash https://youtu.be/0mKZAfJu5FA?t=60

‘More Precious than Gold’ by Acappella https://youtu.be/4KhFOTpv1-I

‘Your Word Will Be the Last Word’ by Tommy Walker https://youtu.be/aER-XdRA5S0

‘Jesus, Clear the Temple’ by Pepper Choplin https://vimeo.com/121901057

‘Clear the Temple’ by Ken Saurajen   https://youtu.be/OY0S7tQgRv4

‘Sanctuary’ by Randy Rothwell https://youtu.be/AxB9VH3cCN4

The Gospel for the RCIA Mass is about the Samaritan woman at the well. There were quite a few songs about that, but here are just two.

‘Woman at the Well’ by Lize Hadassah https://youtu.be/yyFNAs2jRjU?t=133

‘Women at the Well’ by Kenneth Cope and sung by Julie de Azebedo  https://youtu.be/FbhStK9q_As

As always, I hope you enjoy them all. God bless you all and keep you safe and healthy.

Janis Cantú


Church Capacity Procedures

Sunday Morning Masses

As the church begins to fill or if you do not feel comfortable in the church, we have overflow seating outside with loudspeakers for Sunday Masses if needed. After the congregation receives communion in the church, the Eucharistic Minister or the priest will come to the side door and will distribute holy communion for those outside.

Easter Sunday Masses

In addition to the overflow seating outside and loudspeakers for the 8:00 am Mass, there will be a screen for livestreaming the Mass.

At the 10:00 am Mass there will only be loudspeakers and seating outside on the patio.

After the congregation receives communion in the church, the priest or Eucharistic Minister will come to the side door to distribute Holy Communion.


This year because of COVID we will not have a Parish Reconciliation service. Instead we will have extra times for individual confessions.

Reconciliation will be held outside. If the weather is bad, we will be inside the church in the confessional room.

These times will be from 5:30 – 6:30 PM on:

Wednesdays, March 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th
(Rev. Mark Campbell)

We will still have Saturday Confessions
from 3:15 – 4:00 pm

Lent is a wonderful opportunity to be made new and united to God’s grace for all we face in our daily lives. Please consider this gift of God’s healing hand and renewing our soul.

You can download a copy of this schedule here.