Dear Fellow Parishioners,
None of the music for this week’s Mass is new, but you may be less familiar with the communion song. We usually sing this as a psalm for the Easter Vigil, but it is such a lovely hymn we wanted to sing it in its entirety. It’s called “As the Deer Longs”
There are two sets of readings for this weekend, one of which is for a special Mass for the RCIA candidates, so I chose music this week inspired by both. You can download all of the lyrics at this link. First I’ll share the ones inspired by the readings you’re about to hear.
‘The Ten Commandments’ by Johnny Cash
‘More Precious than Gold’ by Acappella
‘Your Word Will Be the Last Word’ by Tommy Walker
‘Jesus, Clear the Temple’ by Pepper Choplin
‘Clear the Temple’ by Ken Saurajen
‘Sanctuary’ by Randy Rothwell
The Gospel for the RCIA Mass is about the Samaritan woman at the well. There were quite a few songs about that, but here are just two.
‘Woman at the Well’ by Lize Hadassah
‘Women at the Well’ by Kenneth Cope and sung by Julie de Azebedo
As always, I hope you enjoy them all. God bless you all and keep you safe and healthy.
Janis Cantú