Our Eucharist Renewal Initiative wraps up this Sunday with the last of the “teaching Masses”.

To deepen the understanding of the ritual actions of the Mass, the diocese has developed a step-by-step explanation of the Eucharistic liturgy. The explanation is presented within the framework of a meal, where we gather, we tell stories, we share a meal and we are sent renewed into world.

Week 3 (Oct. 23-24) Meal sharing: Liturgy of the Eucharist

Here are links to download a guide for Week 3 in English and Spanish.

You can go to the Diocese website for more information.
Sacred Heart Summit
Christmas Tree Sale

Support the Sacred Heart Youth Ministry by ordering a Tree, Wreath, and other Christmas decor! Orders will be accepted until November 15th. Purchased trees and items will available for pick up at the church parking lot on Saturday, December 4th.

Click Here to Order

Jonas Brand

You can download a copy of the Christmas Tree Flyer here.
We Need To know…
Are The Weekly Masses From Your Home Parish
Still Needed By You?

Knock Knock
Who’s there?
We have no idea

Are you still watching Mass online? Live streaming Mass intended to be a temporary solution to keep our parish connected to the Sacred Liturgy when gathering in large numbers was considered unsafe. We care about you. We need to know whether your preference to view Mass online is temporary or a long-term need. You’re an important part of our community. Please contact the parish office this week as your response will help us determine how to best meet the needs of everyone. Here’s an email link to make it easier. parishoffice@sacredheartob.org

In October, the SD Diocese does a Sunday Mass count at each Mass. We can’t see you to know whether you’re an individual, a family or a group, so your response is needed.

Mass Links For
The 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Yet another summer-like weekend. Music selections are below for this week’s readings. Masses are today at 4:30PM and tomorrow at 8:00AM,10:00AM and 5:00PM.

Tomorrow’s 8:00AM Mass is streamed live at this link.

Fr. Emmanuel makes available his homily on his blog at this link.

A link to the weekly bulletin is here.

Music For The
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Fellow Parishioners,

This week we will be continuing with another “teaching mass” with a script provided by the diocese. It will focus on the Liturgy of the Word. Most of the music at mass should be familiar to you, but the opening song, Though the Mountains May Fall, is one you may not know. You can hear it before we start by using this link: https://youtu.be/CnGnGBlBc1k. The words for this song and all the others can be found in this attachment.

In this week’s Liturgy of the word the first reading contains Isaiah’s prophecy that Christ will be a sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sins, in the second reading we are told to confidently approach the throne to receive timely help and in the Gospel, we hear once again about the desire among the Apostles to be the greatest among their fellows and that in order to be great they must be the servant of all. The song selections have been inspired by these readings.

The last song should uplift you even if you turn the sound off and just watch the joy in the faces of some of the singers, but don’t do that! Give it a listen! ‘Salvation Has Been Brought Down’ by Praise and Harmony https://youtu.be/KgbHrybmOX8

Enjoy the music and have a blessed week.

Janis Cantú

Our Eucharist Renewal Initiative moves into the next phase this Sunday with the start of “teaching Masses” that will run for three consecutive Sundays.

To deepen the understanding of the ritual actions of the Mass, the diocese has developed a step-by-step explanation of the Eucharistic liturgy. The explanation is presented within the framework of a meal, where we gather, we tell stories, we share a meal and we are sent renewed into world.

The explanation will be presented over three weeks:

Week 2 (Oct. 16-17) Storytelling: Liturgy of the Word
Week 3 (Oct. 23-24) Meal sharing: Liturgy of the Eucharist

Here are links to download a guide for Week 1 in English and Spanish.

You can go to the Diocese website for more information.
Mass Links For
The 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

After the rain it’s more summer this weekend. Music selections are below for this week’s readings. Masses are today at 4:30PM and tomorrow at 8:00AM, 10:00AM and 5:00PM.

Tomorrow’s 8:00AM Mass is streamed live at this link.

Fr. Emmanuel makes available his homily on his blog at this link.

A link to the weekly bulletin is here.

Music For The
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Fellow Parishioners,

This week the diocese has asked all parishes to start a three week session of “teaching masses.” Instead of the recorded message that we had last month, this month we will have three weeks of commentary before and during the Mass to teach us about the different parts of the mass. I hope we all learn something!

The choir is singing one new song (new to us, that is), ‘Servant Song’ by D. M. McGargill. You can hear a recording of it ahead of time at this link  https://youtu.be/Py8xUO7pOeY. The words to this song and all the others can be found in this attachment.

This week in the first reading we are told that the author preferred the spirit of wisdom to power and gold and in the Gospel, Jesus tells us that “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God” and that all things are possible with God. This week’s song shares were inspired by those themes.

And of course we’re ending with the toe-tapper of the week:
‘Treasures in Heaven’ by the Carolina Boys Quartet

Enjoy the music and have a great week! God bless.

Janis Cantú

Our Eucharist Renewal Initiative moves into the next phase this Sunday with the start of “teaching Masses” that will run for three consecutive Sundays.

To deepen the understanding of the ritual actions of the Mass, the diocese has developed a step-by-step explanation of the Eucharistic liturgy. The explanation is presented within the framework of a meal, where we gather, we tell stories, we share a meal and we are sent renewed into world.

The explanation will be presented over three weeks:

Week 1 (Oct. 9-10) Gathering: Introductory and Concluding Rites. These have been combined to be covered in a single week.
Week 2 (Oct. 16-17) Storytelling: Liturgy of the Word
Week 3 (Oct. 23-24) Meal sharing: Liturgy of the Eucharist

Here are links to download a guide for Week 1 in English and Spanish.

You can go to the Diocese website for more information.