Be the Heart of the OB Parade!

Come Join the Fun

Join us December 7th for the OB Annual Christmas parade. Sacred Heart will have a float and you’re invited to walk with us in the parade. Our float will Represent the Holy Family Showing Jesus is the reason for the Season. Join Father Billy and participate in the parade or offer assistance in assembly of the float.

Contact: Janice Teixeira at (619) 246-4955 or for more information

Come have fun and spread the Sacred Heart Spirt!!!

Got Mary T-Shirt Fundraiser

Thank you for everyone who participated in the “Got Mary T-shirt Fundraiser” to support Children Religious Education and Teen Confirmation.

If you took a form home and still want to purchase a shirt please return it to the Parish Office by November 22nd. You can also return the forms in the collection basket during the Masses. After the 24th of November the sale of shirts will be closed!

We do apologize the QR code does not work. If you would like to pay please go onto ONLINE GIVING and select “Special Event Sale.” Remember if you pay online we still need the order form.

Shirts will be coming in mid-December! Thank you again for you support and generosity! God Bless

Stephen Williams
Director of Catechetical Ministry
Sacred Heart Church of Ocean Beach

4776 Saratoga Avenue
San Diego, Ca 92107
(619) 224-2746 *102

Join the Sacred Heart

Liturgical Ministry Team!

Trainings for new and current liturgical ministers are this month:

  • Eucharistic Ministers for Homebound Parishioners on Wednesday at 3:00 PM in the Hall
  • Eucharistic Ministers on Saturday at 10:00 AM in the Hall
  • Ministers of the Word (Lectors) on Saturday at 1:00 PM in the Hall
  • Altar Servers on Sunday, November 24th at 11:15 AM in the Church

Please register by calling the parish office at (619) 224-2746
or by emailing:

Join the Sacred Heart

Liturgical Ministry Team!

Trainings for new and current liturgical ministers are this month:

  • Eucharistic Ministers for Homebound Parishioners on Wednesday, November 13th at 3:00 PM in the Hall
  • Eucharistic Ministers on Saturday, November 16th at 10:00 AM in the Hall
  • Ministers of the Word (Lectors) on Saturday, November 16th at 1:00 PM in the Hall
  • Altar Servers on Sunday, November 24th at 11:15 AM in the Church

Please register by calling the parish office at: (619) 224-2746
or by emailing: