New Mass Procedures

Apr 23 2021
Liturgy Changes

The Bishop has now updated our procedures for celebrating liturgy. With his directives in mind, we will return to normal liturgical practices, still mindful of social distancing and mandatory masking.

With these new updates Fr. Tom would like all liturgical activities to resume at Mass.

Here are a few notable changes we will see this Sunday.

  1. Procession at the beginning and the end of Mass.
  2. The gifts will be brought up during the collection.
  3. Announcements at the end of Mass by the priest.
  4. Altar servers will be brought back.
  5. Singing the Mass parts.

If you have any questions or comments please contact Fr. Tom.

There is a lot of additional information about protocols for you in the document that is attached. It contains the safety guidelines. Please download it.