Adult Bible Study

Jul 31 2024

We are excited to announce we are beginning a new Bible Study in the Fall! We will be using Liturgical Press’ study on the “Women in the New Testament.” This will be a 6-week study! We will meet Tuesdays at 1pm in the parish hall and 7pm on zoom. You can pick which of the two times work best for you.

Liturgical Press Description of the study:
“Women were essential to the ministry of Jesus and the flourishing of the early church. In Women in the New Testament, trusted guide Catherine Cory delves into the lives of the fascinating women who befriended Jesus, were healed and transformed by him, followed him as disciples, and proclaimed the good news of his resurrection. Journey through the New Testament, exploring the social and religious world of first-century Palestine and the remarkable lives of these women of faith. Six lessons survey New Testament texts about Mary the mother of Jesus, women healed by Jesus, the Samaritan woman, Mary and Martha of Bethany, Mary Magdalene, and various women of the early church, such as Priscilla and Phoebe.”

To do this class you will need go on the Liturgical Press website and buy the book.  Before each class you will need to  do the assigned reading and answer a few questions in your book. During class we will talk about the readings and questions. At the end we will watch a video reviewing what we learned in the study.

If Interested in joining this wonderful study please let me know!

Buy the Book Here

Download the Schedule with the pdf attached below.

Adult Bible Study Women in New Testament.pdf