A Note from Father Tom

Apr 02 2020

April 1, 2020

Dear Sacred Heart Family,

I have been WAITING these last several weeks for surgery, and I have had much time for prayer and reflection. As we approach Palm Sunday this coming weekend, I am reminded of the crowds of people who had been WAITING so long for the Messiah. Upon Jesus’ arrival how they welcomed Him with such jubilation and shouts of hope. Perhaps He would be the one that would free them from the bonds of oppression and the difficult times they were living in. Yet only a short time later, these same crowds would be shouting, “Crucify Him, Crucify Him!” We to are WAITING, with hope and anticipation, that we will be free from this present pandemic and try to return to the life we were living before this difficult time befell us.

I await my surgery so I can get back into the swing of things and move on. Yet in this waiting I began to wonder if I do want to get back to where I was and to where we all were. Were we really taking Lent seriously? Were we living with gratitude for all the gifts in our lives? Were we truly grateful for each other? Was God the center in our lives or continually taking a back seat to sports, technology, entertainment, comforts, all the distractions the world offers!? Can we say, when this pass, and it will pass, that as we are rebuilding are wounded economy, our country, our individual lives, that we are different than before? Are we better? Have we prayed as a family in this time and even just had quality sharing and presence with each other?

I think of the many who attend Weekend Masses but never volunteer or involve themselves in the activities, ministries and events the parish offers. Yet, this is a parish made up of so many people who care so deeply. What wonderful things we could accomplish by just getting more involved in the life of our Church community. How we could set the world on fire!! I think we can, and more, I believe we will!!

An invisible force might have brought us to a halt, but a visible force has Risen from the dead! Jesus Christ is real! He is with us! He is the same yesterday, today and always. Through Him we will rise from this brighter, kinder, more selfless, merciful and loving. As we wait know He is awaiting with open arms to lift us to those higher places, if we let Him.


Thank you all for your support and prayers for me. I am so blessed and so grateful. Know I continue to pray for each of you!!!!

Fr. Tom